Handicapped Box Turtle


New Member
Jun 10, 2016
About a week ago I found a box turtle on my driveway, went to take a look at him and noticed something wrong, his head was following me, stead of closing up and watching me inside his shell. Examined him, his shell is heavily damaged, just the shroud above his head.
And his left eye is blind. Took him to the humane society, the lady confirmed everything I knew, she said he'll be easier prey, but after a few minutes of holding him she realized he was super friendly and social. She thinks he was a pet that was released and got beat up by a lawn mower. So she recommended on keeping him

The local pet store isn't to good, they tried to sell me a ton of expensive stuff when all I wanted was some food pellets.
No other pet stores in 100 miles so website recommendations are needed.
I've read a lot of care sheets and stuff. Almost got a box turtle or Russian tortoise, but a lot of info was conflicting so I decided to wait.
But now I have a turtle but not really ready. So far I got a kiddie pool with mulch as the main bedding and pie pans for water. Gonna make it more permanent, wooden hut, and a cover for when it rains.
Having a hard time keeping food as diverse as possible. Been giving mostly worms and lettuce, trying to keep fruit every other day, and supplementing with turtle food I got from Walmart. But the other day I think a animal took it off my porch so I need more of that. Dietary help is really needed.
Pictures, can only get two up right now:

http://i.imgur.com/hjxKNsn.jpg http://i.imgur.com/ocIg9HP.jpg

didn't know flash was on but luckily it was his bad eye, he didn't flinch so I think it didn't hurt.

I think I covered everything, ask any questions if more info is required.
Any tips, or advice is needed

box turtle a.JPG box turtle b.JPG
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Yvonne G

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Hi, and welcome to the Forum!

That's not new damage, it's all healed.

It just looks like a bit of scar tissue over the eye. You can help it heal by using this product:

eye ointment a.jpg

You can get it either from your vet of from a feed store.

Here's a nice care sheet:


Gillian M

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Aug 28, 2014
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A very warm welcome to the forum.

Hope it's nothing serious, as far as your cute tort is concerned.

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