Hard bump on leg that fell off


New Member
Jul 21, 2024
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New Jersey
I noticed a hard bump on my tortoise’s hind leg about 2 weeks ago and noticed today that it fell off. It was hard and white and kinda thick. I included a picture of when I first noticed it, when I saw it fell off, the inside of the bump and what it looked like after. If anyone knows what this is please let me know and if I should take him to a vet.


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Dec 28, 2023
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That is a little strange and does look a bit raw now it’s fell off, hopefully Yvonne will have more insight🙂

In the meantime I don’t suppose you’d mind giving us some more information on how the tortoise is kept/any photos of your full set up(s)? It may well come in handy when advising here😊

Do you have an indoor or outdoor set up? What size?

How are your temperatures? Ie basking spot?(directly under the bulb) overall day temps? Night temps?

What kind of lighting/heating is it you’re using? Packaging photos are helpful if you have any.

Do you use indoor uv? If so what kind?

What are you using for substrate? How’s your humidity levels?

What’s their diet been like?

Any additional info/photos would be great! Welcome to the forum🥰


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Please wash the area
Soak him for half a hour in a warm bath
And then put Neosporin on that opened wound.
Try to wrap it with that tape that sticks to itself. That will help his pain.
He is in pain you know that right?
Think of it like if you had your finger nail ripped out.
It’s painful 😣 until you put some Neosporin on it. It will get disinfected and take some of the pain away in a couple of days.
Good luck!
Keep us posted pleeeeeease!!!!


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Jul 21, 2024
Location (City and/or State)
New Jersey
Update: I noticed these yellowish bumps on the same leg. He has an appointment for the 2nd but if anyone has any guesses as to what it is please let me know.


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How long have you had him for? Where did you get him? Do you have any other tortortoises?


New Member
Jul 21, 2024
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New Jersey
How long have you had him for? Where did you get him? Do you have any other tortortoises?
I’ve had him for a couple months and got him at the Reptile Depot in Pennsylvania. He’s my first tortoise but I have cared for tortoises before as a zookeeper.

Yvonne G

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Update: I noticed these yellowish bumps on the same leg. He has an appointment for the 2nd but if anyone has any guesses as to what it is please let me know.
That looks like austwickia. It's contagious to other reptiles. Look in the health section here for yellow bumps and read about it.



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Sep 22, 2018
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That looks like austwickia. It's contagious to other reptiles. Look in the health section here for yellow bumps and read about it.

It does look like austwickia but the bumps are quite a bit larger than we usually see in photos on this forum. Remember Mastershake passed away. @turtlesteve has a lot of direct experience with Austwickia and has medicated tortoises with it so he should be the go to guy for now.

@haileyandherman in order to confirm that it is Austwickia your vet would need to submit tissue samples to the lab at the University of Florida. This will likely cost you several hundred dollars and any treatment is still experimental at this point. https://cdpm.vetmed.ufl.edu/services/zmdxlab/available-tests/chelonian-tests-and-panels/#keys


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Sep 23, 2012
I would suspect Austwickia. We do not normally see older tortoises with this disease (usually it shows up in hatchlings) so it’s possible that larger bumps would be normal for a larger tortoise.

For diagnosis you would have to remove one of the bumps and send it to the lab in UF for biopsy. You can possibly have your local vet do it

In this thread, I have described a very experimental treatment that was used on leopard tortoises with the disease. I still have all 6 of these leopards and there has been no sign of recurrence since treatment.

Keep in mind most reptile vets have not heard of this disease let alone any treatment paths. So getting diagnosis from a local vet will be difficult and they may resist prescribing oral antibiotics as this treatment approach is unorthodox for reptiles.
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New Member
Jul 21, 2024
Location (City and/or State)
New Jersey
Here’s an updated picture of my tortoise’s leg. One of the bumps fell off and it looks a little swollen to me. He’s been eating and going to the bathroom normally. I’ve been soaking him every other day and disinfecting where the bumps fell off with bentadine. Someone recommended removing his substrate for paper towels but he really likes burrowing so I’m not sure if I should go back to the forest floor mulch I was using. If anyone has any advice on how to better care for him I would really appreciate the help until I can get him to the vet.


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Please use Neosporin or any triple antibiotic cream and don't keep using Betadine every time, as it's too harsh and delays healing. Good luck, and please remember to quarantine this tortoise. If you have other reptiles, and this is really Austwickia, they could now be infected too. Does he have any missing claws?


Well-Known Member
Tortoise Club
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Oct 12, 2018
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New Jersey
Here’s an updated picture of my tortoise’s leg. One of the bumps fell off and it looks a little swollen to me. He’s been eating and going to the bathroom normally. I’ve been soaking him every other day and disinfecting where the bumps fell off with bentadine. Someone recommended removing his substrate for paper towels but he really likes burrowing so I’m not sure if I should go back to the forest floor mulch I was using. If anyone has any advice on how to better care for him I would really appreciate the help until I can get him to the vet.

Neosporin …
Neosporin …
Poor little guy.
At least the sores are dropping off.
Put Neosporin on each spot and keep doing it for a few days.
I would send the fallen off ones to a lab to be tested.
Put them in a ziplock bag and get them sent out asap.
Maybe we can find a cure for this aswicka if that’s what it is..
Keep him on his warm soaks routine…
Keep neosporin on him with tape that sticks to itself..
Keep feeding him…
And most importantly!!!!!…..
Keep him loved 🥰

I am gonna stay with you till he is all better
Dam it!
And he WILL get better!!!

Hugs, prayers and good vibes from NJ!


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