HELLO! Need help

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Jun 19, 2013
I inherited about a 13' one from my friend who passed away. He had been captive bread. Had him about 3 days. First time I put him in my big yard, he started grazing non stop, wondering the yard. Now he basically stays in one place, doesnt explore, and stopped eating grass. I put him in his container for feeding, he ate a few bits of apple, thats it. No signs of illness, could it be that he needs to get used to his new 5 star resort? He has the whole yard to walk around (not quite an acre) if something happenes to him, esp the contitions I got him in, ron had him from hatchling to 4-5 yrs.Can anyone give any advice? Kinda freaking out. I live in St. Louis and keep him outside (ron kept him inside)


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Sorry for the loss, what type of tortoise? Post some pics, and other details, like temp. Humidity, whay types of food your offer, how long he been with you? Maybe he adjusting to the new environment

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cheekys00 said:
I inherited about a 13' one from my friend who passed away. He had been captive bread. Had him about 3 days. First time I put him in my big yard, he started grazing non stop, wondering the yard. Now he basically stays in one place, doesnt explore, and stopped eating grass. I put him in his container for feeding, he ate a few bits of apple, thats it. No signs of illness, could it be that he needs to get used to his new 5 star resort? He has the whole yard to walk around (not quite an acre) if something happenes to him, esp the contitions I got him in, ron had him from hatchling to 4-5 yrs.Can anyone give any advice? Kinda freaking out. I live in St. Louis and keep him outside (ron kept him inside)

There is an adjust period when goig to a new home. What type of tortoise is it? Also, what are your temperatures that the tortoise is exposed to and do you have a place for him to sleep in?
There are a lot more questions, but this is a start.


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Information on the type of tortoise you have would help a lot! Post pictures of the eyes and nose to determine if she is sick. Information on the enclosure. Temp (basking, cool spot and night) and humidity. If kept inside, the type of substrate being used. Just and FYI, if you are keeping them inside some species loves to dig or climb! Something to watch out for. Like Ascott said, hopefully you are not using any pesticides/herbicides/fertilizers on your grazing area. That can really harm your tort. Also watch out for the types of plants you are feeding them. A lot can be found harmful to torts. Here is a website i use for identifying plants. This has helped me a lot and i hope it goes the same for you! Good luck and i hope you have fun w/ your new adventure. Sorry for your lost. I know you'll raise her right and do the right thing.

Website for the plants:

Yvonne G

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Hi Cheeky, and welcome to the Forum!!

I have a feeling you meant inches and not feet - 13"??? So I'm guessing you have inherited a sulcata tortoise.

Sulcatas come from Africa. It doesn't get very cold there. Where is your 4-star resort located? If the weather hasn't really turned warm yet, that could be the problem. You say he's been living indoors, which means under a light and kept warm. If he is now living outdoors and your weather isn't really warm, that's why he's not eating.

So a little more info would be a big help to us.

I just pulled up a weather chart for St. Louis and it shows 90's/70's. That's plenty warm enough for your tortoise to be outside. So maybe he has just eaten his fill? Give him a week or so to become familiarized with his new environment, and make sure he has a nice hiding spot out there to get out of the sun.


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Jun 19, 2013
Sorry all. I had posted this in the Sulcata forum, but it was moved.
By now, I've had him 4 days, 13 INCHES, my mistake for that error. I live in St. Louis, big back yard, lots of grass, at night to protect him, I keep him in a home made container, decent size just for the night, put him in the yard first thing in the morning and stays out there all day till about 8 p.m. Ron always fed him strange stuff, bell peppers, I was witness, that tortoise LOVES bell peppers, and any veggie or fruit. But As soon as I got home today, BAM I walk out to check on him and he is munching on grass, first time ive seen him NOT parked by the privacy fence and not move all day. So now he is scooting along and he is now again eating grass. I guess there was a break in period.
I DO NOT have any pesticides/herbicides/fertilizers never have, got to protect the dogs. There are PLENTY of shade areas he can get to in a short distance. I'm trying to answer all these questions, so please forgive me, if this seems disjointed.
There are places for him to hide out and relax. I have 12 box turtles and 4 red ear sliders in a sectioned of area with 3 man made ponds, HE CANNOT get in there and fall in the ponds. So I am not new to turtles, but of course am a NEWBIE at this wonderful reptile.
Ron was almost a hoarder for reptiles, meant well, but not always did well by the reptiles. He did keep him in an unfairly small home made "thing" for the time he had him. He does have the pyramiding on his shell, but aside from that, nothing is wrong. Healthy, and when I saw him at rons he was a garbage disposal, he would eat anything. I do wonder about water, how does a tortoise this big drink? I have sprinklers going for the boxies, can I do the same for this big guy?
I dropped my damn phone IN one of those ponds, so I only have a few pics, thank you for all the answers/questions, and excuse my ignorance if I did not make anything clear. I appreciate all the help. I LOVE all my fellas, but gotta do right on this guy in rons memory

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You do need to provide water to drink 24/7. A large saucer, the kind that goes under flower post would work. A nice kiddie pool buried to be level with the ground would be nice for him to get into, soak and drink. Just make sure it's not too deep for him. You could also build him a small shallow pond.


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Jun 19, 2013
wellington said:
You do need to provide water to drink 24/7. A large saucer, the kind that goes under flower post would work. A nice kiddie pool buried to be level with the ground would be nice for him to get into, soak and drink. Just make sure it's not too deep for him. You could also build him a small shallow pond.

Thank you for responding. The kiddie pool was a great idea. THANK YOU

Yvonne G

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Your new sulcata didn't get enough calcium/vitamin d3 when he was a baby, and he was suffering from MBD (metabolic bone disease) when he was growing. That's why his carapace isn't domed and well-rounded. So to be sure that he has caught up and is now growing correctly, give him plenty of calcium-rich plants. You can also leave a cuttlebone laying in the habitat and he may munch on it or not, as he sees fit. If you ever give him foods besides the grass-grazing, then you can sprinkle a tiny bit of calcium powder over the foods.


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Jun 19, 2013
Yvonne G said:
Your new sulcata didn't get enough calcium/vitamin d3 when he was a baby, and he was suffering from MBD (metabolic bone disease) when he was growing. That's why his carapace isn't domed and well-rounded. So to be sure that he has caught up and is now growing correctly, give him plenty of calcium-rich plants. You can also leave a cuttlebone laying in the habitat and he may munch on it or not, as he sees fit. If you ever give him foods besides the grass-grazing, then you can sprinkle a tiny bit of calcium powder over the foods.

I appreciate the reply. I loved ron like a brother, but he did things that were wrong, he meant well, but wrong. I've hatched box turtle eggs on my own, have all these other turtles, I am well versed in maintaining them, and was trying to get this guy from ron for yrs. I started him on calcium powder since I got him, though he doesnt eat like he did with ron (EVERYTHING) even though I try, he prefers to just munch on all the grass. None of my other turtles (not tortoises) never bothered with the cuttlebone, I will sure get a few and toss em randomly in the near acre of fenced in grazing yard he now has. Thank you for the info!


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Welcome to TFO. Im sorry for the loss of your friend, but happy the sulcata has a more responsible keeper now.


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Jun 19, 2013
Thanks everyone

How does this fella drink? Does he get water from the foods? Dealing with box turtles for many years, but this is a new ball game. Kiddie pool?


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he needs access to water to drink and soak. I use a large garbage can lid. dig a small indent in the ground and place lid and fill with water... simple and cheap!


5 Year Member
Jun 8, 2013
Welcome to the forum and so sorry to hear about your friend. It sounds though like his tortoise got a very knowledgeable home now that is more then willing to care for him properly. Very lucky tort! :)


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Jun 19, 2013
Vickie said:
Welcome to the forum and so sorry to hear about your friend. It sounds though like his tortoise got a very knowledgeable home now that is more then willing to care for him properly. Very lucky tort! :)

Thank you, very kind. I appreciate it, IMA TRY MY BEST:)

Laura said:
he needs access to water to drink and soak. I use a large garbage can lid. dig a small indent in the ground and place lid and fill with water... simple and cheap!

Thank you for the info. Going to go buy one right after work. I APPRECIATE you taking the time to help
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