Help with Sulcata Health question

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5 Year Member
Jul 20, 2012
Hey guys

So I'm a Vet tech at an emergency animal hospital in south carolina. I have an almost 1 year old sulcata. Most of the vets at my practice come to me for exotics advice and the only vet who really see's exotics is not in town tonight. I have access to all medical supplies and a vet working with me on my Ronnie. The only other exotic vets in my area are closed for the day. So heres my issue

Now I may be over reacting it's so much harder to diagnose my own pet then it is someone elses. I'm completely neurotic about my babies.
This morning I put ronnies new big girl water bowl in her kennel. I work nights so I was half a sleep and I didnt realize how high I filled it. So I put ronnie in and she could stand above the water but then she tucked into her shell, shot back out and then tucked in again. I usually soak her every other day to every couple of days and I've never seen her do this. I wasnt really sure what she was doing so I moved her to the side and she climbed out. the water was nice and warm but she did go under when she tucked into her shell. I completely freaked but I didnt hear any crackley noises and she seems to be breathing okay and then she went on to eat and play in her enclosure. So I checked on her just now after I woke up and her eyes are just slightly watery like I really had to look for it to find that they are but they are and although I cant say that I really appreciate definitive crackles when I listen to her she may be sticking her neck out and looking like she's swallowing more so than usual but again this could be me over reacting. She has no nasal discharge, she's eating wonderfully but she is sleeping a tad more today maybe? Does anyone think this may be upper resp? When I pick her up and try to listen to her breathe she blows out but she may be trying to urinate because she gets upset with me when I stick her face in my ear. Any thoughts? Should I start her on ABs?

Thank You for your help in advanced

Yvonne G

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I think you may be over reacting. Tortoises drink through their nose as well as their mouth, and they can hold their breath for a very long time. So being in deep water probably didn't harm your tortoise at all.


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My leopard pulls in like that and then shoots out quickly when he is pushing poop out. His head lots of the time goes under the water when he does it. Could she have been trying to poop? Make sure her temps stay warm, 80 at the lowest and see how she is tomorrow.


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I'm thinking less than 24 hrs is not enough time for a RI to develop. This is just my 2¢. I would be more concerned 3 days after a prolonged, complete submersion, (like found at bottom of swimming pool).


The Dog Trainer
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What is a "big girl waterbowl"?

ABs often do more harm than good. The first step if you suspect a RI is to warm the temps up a bit for a few days and see if you can knock it put that way.

Hello and welcome.


5 Year Member
May 30, 2010
I didn't read anything that seemed like you should worry! Its going to be fine. Happy thoughts :p


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Jul 20, 2012
Thank you guys so much for all of your help. Ronnie seems to be doing fine right now and I'm pretty sure I was just being a worry wart lol. It funny how easily I can start to see issues that arent there and obsess/ question every move I make when its my own baby and yet I'm uber confident in my treatment plans when it comes to treating my patients lol. Just gotta remember to breathe sometimes :) I feel super silly but better safe than sorry. It's been my experience that forums like these are the best place to get information/help. Dr.G's first reaction when I was freaking was to grab a text book and I was like oh no, let me hop on the tortie forum they live this stuff everyday, I'm sure someone will have some insight. So thank you so very much for being available, knowledgeable and for helping the panicers like myself :p


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5 Year Member
Jul 20, 2012
Tom said:
What is a "big girl waterbowl"?

ABs often do more harm than good. The first step if you suspect a RI is to warm the temps up a bit for a few days and see if you can knock it put that way.

Hello and welcome.

Little Girl Bowl

Big Girl Bowl

I'm always hesitant to put reptiles on ABs, They are extremely fragile and ABs can cause softening of the shell as well as other not so good things. I agree 100% I would rather not if it isn't necessary :)


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Nov 18, 2011
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Those water dishes are great for snakes but bad for tortoises. The steep drop off into the bowl can cause problems of flipping over from a fall, in the water. Get a large planter saucer. Cheep,easy to clean, many different sizes, and they allow self soaking without the tall/drop off.
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