Heydeeho, it's Rio


Aug 10, 2016
Location (City and/or State)
Northeastern U.S.A.
So, yah, we're new.
Here's the ham himself:
Yep, that's not a real selfie, MOM took it. I just had strawberries. I share, ladies.

So, let's get down to the real selfies. I took these.

This is my kisser! That's right, here's where you plant 'em, ladies.

My name is Rio. I'm a Latin Lover from the Amazon River basin. Who'd a thunk I'd be walkin down a back country road with no particular place to be in Northeast USA. YEP. I'm a tumble weed, a runaway. My MOM found me strolling down the highway to wherever life would take me. I was at a real crossroads in my life. There was a huge red sign that said STOP , SO I DID! And, right there in the middle of the road, I met MOM.


SSs-mokin Hot. I like it steamy.

That's all for now ladies,
Rio Red Foot
Latin Love

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Aug 10, 2016
Location (City and/or State)
Northeastern U.S.A.
Hi Rio's Mom and Rio! Welcome from rainy and hot Texas! I love the RF torts! View attachment 184587these are my Grand-torts: Shellie and Tucker (Tucker is the one with white on his shell)
They are gorgeous! Thanks for sharing them.
I have been thinking about getting Rio a friend. He seems needy for company.
He ACTUALLY RUNS to see me, and my Hubbs, when we go out on the deck. He clings to our legs. He's so delightful, my heart just bursts.

He will sit like that for hours, (if I could only sit still that long).

HATE how dry he is in this photo, I mist him like a bazillion times a day, but it is so him... I can't resist posting it. (I can't get the album feature to work on this forum... ?) I read in another thread about an owner who actually let her tort walk around with a moist washcloth on his back for half an hour, like a mask., I'm gonna try that today when he's out in the sun.He's got mild to medium pyramiding. His Uncle is an exotics vet, who says "it's not that bad", but I want to make him more comfortable.

Also, I don't know if he's 10, 20 or 40 years old? What age do they get to be fairly full size? I forgot to ask his Uncle that. His shell is 13".
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Tidgy's Dad

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Feb 11, 2015
Location (City and/or State)
Fes, Morocco
Tortoises don't need or want 'friends'.
They are solitary animals that see other torts as intruders on their territory.
Pairs rarely work.
See http://www.tortoiseforum.org/threads/pairs.34837/
And http://www.tortoiseforum.org/thread...together-a-lesson-learned-the-hard-way.94114/
for examples.
Mix water directly into the substrate with your hands, works better than misting.
You can't tell a tortoises age, but they don't seem to stop growing, ever, they always add a little more a year. But it slows right down after they reach maturity.


Aug 10, 2016
Location (City and/or State)
Northeastern U.S.A.
Tortoises don't need or want 'friends'.
They are solitary animals that see other torts as intruders on their territory.
Pairs rarely work.
See http://www.tortoiseforum.org/threads/pairs.34837/
And http://www.tortoiseforum.org/thread...together-a-lesson-learned-the-hard-way.94114/
for examples.
Mix water directly into the substrate with your hands, works better than misting.
You can't tell a tortoises age, but they don't seem to stop growing, ever, they always add a little more a year. But it slows right down after they reach maturity.


Aug 10, 2016
Location (City and/or State)
Northeastern U.S.A.
Thanks, Tidgy's Dad. We just found him 5 weeks ago. I put an ad in the local paper, his previous owner called me and said we could keep him. I can't imagine. He's so social. Anyway, she said he was a rescue for them, too. This guy really is a tumble weed! LOL.
He loves the moisture when I mist him, though. So I probably still will hit him with mist.

Rio literally marches around the deck in the rain! We've had a very rainy August, so he's been in heaven, and, done a LOT of marching. LOL


Aug 10, 2016
Location (City and/or State)
Northeastern U.S.A.

So, we're trying the new 'WARM MIST MASK SHELL-IAL', with a moist terry rag for half an hour, for the first time.
No one recommended this, one poster thought it might be a good idea. I like it. It makes sense as after breakfast and dinner routine.
I enjoyed info I found in this discussion. http://www.tortoiseforum.org/threads/the-end-of-pyramiding.15137/page-26

Those were great links, Tidgy's Dad, about the 'PAIRS'. Good stuff. Hubbs wasn't too keen on me getting another one. He'll be pleased.

Off to a day's work. Thanks for all the welcoming input. Still wondering what age a red foot shell becomes full grown. I can never know Rio's age, but, I'd love to know that he's at least ___ yrs old.

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Grandpa Turtle 144

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Apr 3, 2013
View attachment 184614

So, we're trying the new 'WARM MIST MASK SHELL-IAL', with a moist terry rag for half an hour, for the first time.
No one recommended this, one poster thought it might be a good idea. I like it. It makes sense as after breakfast and dinner routine.
I enjoyed info I found in this discussion. http://www.tortoiseforum.org/threads/the-end-of-pyramiding.15137/page-26

Those were great links, Tidgy's Dad, about the 'PAIRS'. Good stuff. Hubbs wasn't too keen on me getting another one. He'll be pleased.

Off to a day's work. Thanks for all the welcoming input. Still wondering what age a red foot shell becomes full grown. I can never know Rio's age, but, I'd love to know that he's at least ___ yrs old.

View attachment 184614
It's not nice to ask a ladies ( Rio ) age ! :)

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