Hi, "Sheldon" exposed himself!

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Hello everyone! I'm new to this forum and very excited to talk to other DT owners. My DT Sheldon exposed himself and confirmed he was male this weekend. My concern is he is not quite 2 years old. Is this normal?


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RE: OMGosh...Is This What I think It Is???? XRATED

CSHander said:
Hello everyone! I'm new to this forum and very excited to talk to other DT owners. My DT Sheldon exposed himself and confirmed he was male this weekend. My concern is he is not quite 2 years old. Is this normal?

No it's not.


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RE: OMGosh...Is This What I think It Is???? XRATED

Hi CSHandler, welcome to the forum!

It would be best for you to start a new thread to post your questions. That way it is titled appropriately and people that can answer your questions will actually see it.

There may be some concern that your tortoise has prolapsed rather than flashed. I strongly suggest you start a new thread so that we can figure out if something is wrong.

Yvonne G

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Hi CSHandler:

Welcome to the forum!!

May we know your name?

Did Sheldon's "parts" go back in? It may be that he was having to strain to push out the poop, or it may be that he has worms.

Do you soak him frequently? I usually soak 2 yr olds at least once a week, sometimes more. If Sheldon is the tortoise pictured in your avatar, I think he's quite a bit older than 2. He looks pretty much full grown. I'd love to see a bigger picture of him.


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He will be two years in August. It did go back in a short time later, my wife was extremely concerned though. I give him a bath usually once a week. And he is large, people who have seen him ongoing since he hatched say how shocking it is how he gets larger every time they come over. The picture in the avatar is three months old, I will take another tonight and post it.

It hasn't happened since, but will there be evidence in his droppings if he has worms?



The member formerly known as captain awesome
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It is usually not normal for a 2 year old to flash, could you describe what his "flash" looked like?

Yvonne G

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CSHander said:
It hasn't happened since, but will there be evidence in his droppings if he has worms?


No, not usually. You would have to look under a microscope, and then you usually only see the eggs of the parasite. If he's growing as fast as you say, I doubt he has parasites. When male tortoises "come of age," they sometimes put out their male parts and play with them. After a few times, they usually don't do it anymore. It seems to just be the newness of it.


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emysemys said:
Hi CSHandler:

Welcome to the forum!!

May we know your name?

Did Sheldon's "parts" go back in? It may be that he was having to strain to push out the poop, or it may be that he has worms.

Do you soak him frequently? I usually soak 2 yr olds at least once a week, sometimes more. If Sheldon is the tortoise pictured in your avatar, I think he's quite a bit older than 2. He looks pretty much full grown. I'd love to see a bigger picture of him.

He is almost two. Everyone remarks how big he is - we already moved to our third enclosure for him (40w) and he is already too big for it. We let him out to walk around the house as much as we can, and he seems to be quite adventurous. Here is a picture of him shortly after we got him being "adventurous" with our cat, and a photo of him today. The tile he is resting on is a 18" tile.


dmmj said:
It is usually not normal for a 2 year old to flash, could you describe what his "flash" looked like?

Ok, will try to describe? Was about two inches long, and was lightly pulsing. He didn't look like he was in distress at all. Was just sort of sitting there like nothing at all was going on. After a few minutes it slowly retracted and was completely gone. It looked very much like the photo in this post, except longer.

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Yvonne G

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Sheldon is VERY large for his age. I would suggest that he has become sexually mature. Males sometimes do that when they first learn that they have one. (Maturity goes by size rather than age)


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emysemys said:
Sheldon is VERY large for his age. I would suggest that he has become sexually mature. Males sometimes do that when they first learn that they have one. (Maturity goes by size rather than age)

I just measured his shell from the bottom, it's 5 inches at its widest and 7 inches at its longest.
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