Housing short term needed

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5 Year Member
Feb 18, 2012
My name is Eric and I have a gorgeous 7 years old Marginated Tortoise called Cynthia. Now she is in hibernation mode, but soon in a couple of weeks she will come out. I got Cynthia as a baby and she was a cutest thing in the world. Now she is a sassy girl that follows me everywhere I go...Crazy...but true....
Anyway, this is the scoop: I live in NYC and I work from home so until it really gets warm she can not be in the backyard therefore I am looking for a tortoise lover that could foster her for 2 months until she can be outside. I am willing to pay for her boarding school. She used to go to Long Island but the lady who boarded her has too many tortoise this season...
If any of you can be of any help and love tortoises and would like to have my girl for a few I would be so grateful. And as I said before I will pay for her boarding...


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Platinum Tortoise Club
Sep 6, 2011
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Chicago, Illinois, USA
Is there a reason you can't make her an indoor enclosure? Lots of us have to house our tortoises inside for the winter months. There are also lots of members that hibernate their torts inside for winter. Good luck in whatever you choose to do.


Well-Known Member
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Apr 10, 2011
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Apple Valley, California
I was curious about why you don't create an indoor enclosure for her short stint as well? I mean, you know your space needs --but if you work from home I would find it fun to have a sidekick for a short time each year....lol
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