How big until they can live outside?

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5 Year Member
Nov 12, 2011
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Gainesville, Fl (Go Gators!)
Turbo weighs in at about 130g now. As soon as I get home from school I put him outside and I feel sooo bad when I have to take him in when it gets dark out. He loves being in the sun and munching on the grass and his weeds. I am wondering how big he has to be until he can be moved outside. My main concern is that he wont be humid enough. I would give him 2 soaks a day, and many sprays of course.
I live in central Fl. Basically I worry about getting a sunburn walking from class to class, so cold whethers will not be a worry.

First let me clarrify what living outside means right now:
1. I have not made a cage. But It is going to be the typical, simple logs of wood(a couple stacked on top of each other) made into large rectangle, with a wired cage and a lock on the lid. No predators are getting in here.
2. I think I would probably take him inside. He will still have his indoor enclosure that he has now for when its stormy and at night. I would put him out when I get up(around 6am) and take him back inside when it starts getting dark.


The Dog Trainer
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I only put hatchlings out for an hour or two a day. Usually by 6 months they will be up to 3-4 hours a day. Once they are about a year old they go outside all day every day, as long as the weather is decent. I still bring them in at night and leave them in on cold days in the winter. Once they are 10-12" I like to move them outside into an appropriate enclosure with a temp controlled night box permanently.

That's my general strategy anyway...


10 Year Member!
Nov 5, 2010
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SW Forida
We are located in SW Florida and here is what we do. All of our hatchlings are kept outside from the day they are healed underneath from the egg sack. They are afforded the opportunity to browse at will on natural vegetation in the natural sunshine. Our hatchling pens afford them the opportunity to stay in the shade if they desire. We put them inside if the temperatures get below 70f or it is storming. Nothing better than the natural sunshine and high humidity in Florida.

Note: Ours are about 60 grams and 2 1/2" at this stage.



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Nov 12, 2011
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Gainesville, Fl (Go Gators!)
nicoleandrocky said:
How old is he? and size (length)?

I think he is a little over 5 months. If not older.
He is about 3.25in long and 2.75 inches wide.

Tom said:
I only put hatchlings out for an hour or two a day. Usually by 6 months they will be up to 3-4 hours a day. Once they are about a year old they go outside all day every day, as long as the weather is decent. I still bring them in at night and leave them in on cold days in the winter. Once they are 10-12" I like to move them outside into an appropriate enclosure with a temp controlled night box permanently.

That's my general strategy anyway...

Yeah that's about what I've been doing. I would just love for him to be outside more. I guess really I'm just excited about building him his outdoor enclosure since I can't think of any other projects. But I suposse I can still make it for him now for when he is outside :)


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I would let him out in an enclosure like ALDABRAMAN's and keep watch and bring them in during the night. Once they are around a year and bigger i would let them out all day ;)


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Jul 16, 2011
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Mine throws a tantrum if he's outside for more than an hour and a half. He wants to come in and plop into the water bowl for a nap.

He's not quite 400 grams now by the way, he still takes siestas like a baby.


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Nov 12, 2011
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Gainesville, Fl (Go Gators!)
Weda737 said:
Mine throws a tantrum if he's outside for more than an hour and a half. He wants to come in and plop into the water bowl for a nap.

He's not quite 400 grams now by the way, he still takes siestas like a baby.

He is the complete opposite of mine, except for today.
Turbo was outside and we had a hot rain.. It was about 80 degrees, and sunny as could be but we had a light rain. I read that some torts like to play in the rain but I guess it's not for him. He was in the corner standing on his hindlegs trying to get out. He looked so mad at me :(
I had just put in his new cover... it's a pipe that I put underground like a real burrow. I wasn't sure if I should put him in there and let him stick it out like a "real" tortoise, or take him inside for a bath.
Ended up taking him inside.

mary t

5 Year Member
Jan 10, 2012
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Lakeland, florida
erdavis said:
He is the complete opposite of mine, except for today.
Turbo was outside and we had a hot rain.. It was about 80 degrees, and sunny as could be but we had a light rain. I read that some torts like to play in the rain but I guess it's not for him. He was in the corner standing on his hindlegs trying to get out. He looked so mad at me :(

Willie is still not crazy about soaks and sure didn't like being showered by the hose but today she sat in the mom made rain and even played in the mud or a few minutes.. So it may come. She also sticks her little head out the shed door when we have nice warm Florida rains now... She has been outside or about 3 months..

Erdavis... Where in central Florida if I may ask.. I'm in Lakeland. Your enclosure sounds similar to the one my husband made for Willie. But we have no cover because she is a big girl. 6 years old, 12 inches long and about 14 pounds...

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