How do I motivate my baby Sulcata to eat?

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Jun 22, 2013
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Maple Ridge, BC, Canada
So I've had him for 3ish days now and he hasn't eaten :(
He has been under the weather due to shipping and cold temps, he is feeling better, still sleeps a lot, but he hasn't eaten yet and I'm getting kinda scared again because I would think he would try to eat at least once. I soak him once a day and he seems to like that.

I've been putting out letus, cut up grapes, cut up sliced up red pepper and no interest. He tried once but it was old letus and he was asleep by the time I ran back with fresh. I will go out in the morning and grab some dandelions and try that.
He is supposedly 4ish months but I wouldn't trust the sellers word after the way he shipped little tort to me.
Any advice? ImageUploadedByTortForum1372058681.725205.jpg

Proud New Mommy of a Baby Sulcata <3
Msg Me to help Name Him :)

Lettuce* apparently I can't spell

Proud New Mommy of a Baby Sulcata <3
Msg Me to help Name Him :)
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No fruit is needed and not that great for them. When he gets a little older then fruit could be offered very sparingly as a treat. Regular head lettuce is not good either, unless dehydrated as its mostly only water. What are your temps and humidity? They have to be able to warm up over 85 to digest their food. You can put baby food carrots or squash in the warm water soaks. That my get him interested. Feed broad leaf greens like, dandelion, endive, kale, mustard greens, spring mix, etc. Also check out the for more edible plants. Please read Toms threads below for properly raising a sully.


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Often when sulcata's are placed in a new environment they are stressed until they once again feel secure, and they don't eat. It is important to get the environmental elements correct to lessen their stress. Tempatures should be dialed in using a good thermometer and/or temp gun. They need a basking spot and cooler temp areas to exercise. The size of the enclosure needs to be adequate for exercise with proper substrate. They need a water dish to drink and soak in. And they need a hiding spot where they can get away from the world so the feel secure. The closer the environment is to meeting their needs the more they are likely to eat, and eat, and eat...

Yvonne G

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Hi Taylor:

Please read the "important threads" up at the top of the Sulcata section here on the Forum. The things you are offering the tortoise to eat are not what should be offered to him. He probably will start to eat once you get the foods that a baby sulcata normally eats.
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