Indoor Housing In the North East

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Oct 3, 2007
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Can anyone offer suggestions for indoor housing in the northeast? I am trying to figure out what I want to do for the winter here. Also, I would like to know food suggestions when sulcatas are unable to graze outside. Things that can be bought in the grocery store, on-line, etc. Doing some research to see what people like best. Thanks!


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There have been several threads regarding buying foods online. I ordered from Reptile Eats recently to try them out and was pleased over all.

try and

I have a big full basement so mine will be housed in my basement over winter, sorry I cant be much more help than that. What tort(s) do you have? That might help folks get a better idea of what you need to house over winter.


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I inherited 3 sulcatas. Ranging in size from 3 lbs to 10 lbs. I love them. Don't know if I can accommodate all 3 as they get larger. Do you have them right on the basement floor or do you have them elevated. How do you maintain proper heat? Any info you could give me would be great. I was told they were eating primarily romaine, timothy hay and a few veggies. From what I am reading, this is not appropriate. I would like to get them on a proper diet. They appear very healthy. Only 1 has some slight pyramiding.


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They are small enough that if you have the room you can use 6ft long stock tanks to house them in down in the basement. I use polystyrene stock tanks, they are very light weight. Any farm center will carry them or something similar. The Rubbermaid stock tanks are a bit heavier. I only gave $70 each for my 6 footers. You could also build a corral on the floor for them but line it with a liner and put hay down for bedding and provide a heat mat, such as a a pig style heat mat for a warm spot for them. You will also have to provide UVB light for them which is crucial. Its good that your researching and learning the diet they have been given is not appropriate. I am ordering during the winter from for all of my tortoises. I suggest the Grassland mix for your Sulcatas.

For your 3 I would start out trying the 1lb every 2 weeks and if that doesnt last long enough for 3 then go with 2lbs every 2 weeks.

Where are you located? You will need to be home for delivery during the winter or it will freeze, or have it delivered to your work.


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I am located in NJ. Thanks so much for your info. Should I be mixing a calcium supplement into the grassland mix? Also, should I be giving them any other foods as a treat once a week?


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I just ordered a pound of the blend. Do you have storing suggestions?


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I store it in a plastic container in the fridge with a damp paper towel. A ziploc bag with a damp paper towel would work as well. Yes use the calcium to dust the food 2-3 times per week.

Have you gotten them to eat hay yet? I pick up timothy hay and orchard grass from any local pet store, and wal-mart even carries it with the rodent/rabbit foods. If you cant get them to eat it, you can chop it up in a blender or coffee grinder and moisten it then just mix it in with their other foods to make sure they are getting the fiber they need. Everything else you should need for the winter will be in your grassland mix from reptile eats. :) (you can order edible plants from them to place in the enclosure with them as well)


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I picked up an entire bale of timothy from the local feed store. They seem to be eating in and burrowing in it. They are having a blast! I currently have them in a round huge rubbermaid container that is about the size of a hot tub. Do you think that is adequate for them or do you think I need something even larger? I lifted it off the floor with bricks so it would not be sitting on the concrete directly. Should I still get a heat mat? If so, can you recommend where and what type I should get? Also, do you know where I could find starts to the opuntia cactus. I think it would be interesting to try to grow some myself. I am reading that that is a nutritious treat for them to have.


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jlyoncc1 said:
I picked up an entire bale of timothy from the local feed store. They seem to be eating in and burrowing in it. They are having a blast! I currently have them in a round huge rubbermaid container that is about the size of a hot tub. Do you think that is adequate for them or do you think I need something even larger? I lifted it off the floor with bricks so it would not be sitting on the concrete directly. Should I still get a heat mat? If so, can you recommend where and what type I should get? Also, do you know where I could find starts to the opuntia cactus. I think it would be interesting to try to grow some myself. I am reading that that is a nutritious treat for them to have.

That tank should be fine for them for the winter. Do you have a heat lamp along with a UVB lamp on them? Any idea what the temps are in each area of the tank? I heard you can get opuntia cactus off of ebay sometimes. I picked some up at my local grocery store in the produce section. I believe you can just stick the pad down in the dirt and it will take root.


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I need to get a new thermometer for in there. I was thinking digital so i could stick it in get a reading and take it out. I got a 10.0 (I believe) uvb light and I currently have 2 regular light bulbs for heat. The room is pretty warm and they do have room to get away from the lights. I just had them outside for a while and they were in heaven. I just have yucky old grass and clover in my yard is that ok for them to be eating. I know the clover is ok but I was not sure about crab grass. We do not fertilize.
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