It’s hunting season for Dougal

Which do you prefer?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
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Hello again!😁

I have noticed a few of your pics of Dougal are him having an indoor roam, so I do just want to give you a heads up, I’d highly discourage indoor free roams, being away from their heat source means they’re being exposed to temperatures that are too low quite often, smooth surfaces like laminate flooring will wreak absolute havoc on their hip joints over time.

There’s just numerous reasons it isn’t a good idea unfortunately, harmful floor cleaners, foreign objects being swallowed, getting stuck under things they shouldn’t like shelving or sofas, low temperatures, no uv, getting hit by doors, one member has mentioned they knew someone who’s tort got their head crushed in a door jam😣, flipping hazards, smooth services, the list goes on and is endless.
They don’t have the reasoning skills to understand why they aren’t feeling comfortable, they just know they want to explore, but that discomfort is indeed there, our homes don’t mimic the great outdoors.

They feel most comfortable and safe in a space that best mimics their natural environment, so an appropriate sized enclosure is always the ultimate goal, hopefully we can help🥰

I understand if your set up is on the smaller side, wanting to get them out for exercise, however that would be best in a secure outdoor space on warm sunny days, providing lots of shady spots

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