Just Sheldon

Jay Bagley

Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
Just a picture of Sheldon. Far too often my pictures are of a generalized area on him because I'm freaking out about something new. So thought I would just post a picture of just him without the paranoid question.
(Disclaimer: he was on the floor for the picture and that was it. He is always in his enclosure, and never allowed to roam freely in my home. My dog was placed in his kennel prior to the photo being taken.)20180422_123652_Burst01.jpg


Active Member
Tortoise Club
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jun 23, 2017
Just a picture of Sheldon. Far too often my pictures are of a generalized area on him because I'm freaking out about something new. So thought I would just post a picture of just him without the paranoid question.
(Disclaimer: he was on the floor for the picture and that was it. He is always in his enclosure, and never allowed to roam freely in my home. My dog was placed in his kennel prior to the photo being taken.)View attachment 236691
He is beautiful [emoji4]


Active Member
Tortoise Club
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jun 23, 2017
Thankyou. With all the good info out here on the forum, been trying to apply it and give him a better life.
I know, I'm sure I'd have got nowhere if it wasn't the all the help and support on here and I might have lost my Goliath. Great people, thank you [emoji2]

Jay Bagley

Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
Nice :) Hopefully you can show us some outside pictures with him soon :tort:

His shell is gorgeous. Are you still sticking with the shell-saver routine @Jay Bagley ?
Thank you for the compliment about his shell . Yes I am. Now that my brother's wedding is behind me and my dad is feeling better, I should be able to get his new closed chamber done soon. Once that is completed I'm going to hold off on the shell saver and just let the humidity do its work.


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May 18, 2017
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What is the shell saver routine?

Jay mentioned it in a previous thread: https://tortoiseforum.org/threads/is-new-growth-looking-better.164609/

I tried it out based on his recommendation and I've used it a few times. Seems to help moisturize the shell and help with dry peeling on the scutes a little.

I liked it more than trying to use coconut oil, which I'd done in the past. I believe this stuff is made from coconut oil and avocado oil - $10.xx on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00BAVWJBG/?tag=exoticpetnetw-20

Jay Bagley

Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
Hooray! Sheldon get out for some grazing? [emoji16][emoji217]
Not yet, I had to stay an extra 4 hours at work today. So I did not get out until 11 and in bed by noon. Not sure what I'm doing awake right now LOL. Got a late start on everything, he is soaking right now. But as soon as I get him out I think I'm going to take him outside... Yay.

Jay Bagley

Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
It made it to 73 degrees, so I brought him out for about 45 minutes today. I guess I get a little paranoid of the weather, since it was low 70s and there was a bit of a breeze. When it hit just right It felt just a tad chilly on me. So I didn't want to keep him out too long. I was a little disappointed, we've had an extended winter here and we're just getting over another cold snap. It really hasn't greened up quite like I had hoped yet. Shoots of grass, and lots of brown grass. Very little weeds have popped up yet. It's not my yard, mine unfortunately is treated with pesticides and chemicals, not my doing. I go 5 miles down the road to my folks house, they own 25 acres on the river. So I have lots of access to weeds once it greens up. These are some pictures from their yard from our field trip we took today. He didn't really try to eat a whole lot while we were out there, I don't know if it was because I had just fed him prior, or that most of his favorite stuff has not sprouted yet. But anywho, here are some pictures from today.20180423_173310.jpg20180423_173303.jpg20180423_173257.jpg20180423_173255.jpg
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Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
May 18, 2017
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@Jay Bagley glad to see him outside!

Vlad is a little disappointed with this spring compared to last year - we've got pretty much the same situation in PA. Brown patchy grass with some good patches here and there. I'm hoping it starts to improve soon :)

Jay Bagley

Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
@Jay Bagley glad to see him outside!

Vlad is a little disappointed with this spring compared to last year - we've got pretty much the same situation in PA. Brown patchy grass with some good patches here and there. I'm hoping it starts to improve soon :)
It does seem like it's been kind of a crappy winter / spring for a lot of people. When I had brought him out last year in October, he really enjoyed eating clover, and various weeds. He also seemed to really like crabgrass, I'm hoping the more I bring them out this year the more grass he will eat too. Fingers crossed. It was nice to see him just get some natural sun. Looking forward to seeing pics of Vlad outside.

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