Laying unfertilized eggs


New Member
Mar 27, 2023
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Ludlow, Shropshire
Sorry if this has been asked 1000 times but I can't seem to find any threads with the answer.
My 15 month old female hermanns will one day be laying eggs.
I just want to know, at what age/size should she begin to lay eggs? What indoor conditions are needed? Like a certain type of substrate she can dig into? Will I need to increase her calcium, heat, humidity ect?
I've never had a female before so a bit worried about her getting egg bound. Also, do I just remove the eggs as they come or will she get upset 😅. And how many is normal?


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Hello and Welcome
I am not the experts for this question but did want to say hello and let you know that there are quite a lot of experts around you, I'm sure they'll be a long shortly.


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From my understanding, it's not real common for a female that has never been bred to lay eggs. It can happen, but not as common as it sounds.
Seeing they will never develope, you can take them and throw them away either as she lays them or wait till she is done
She would need a deep substrate. Not sure how deep a Hermanns need, my leopards dug 12 inches. I would say around 8-10 inches for a Hermanns. Lots of first time laying just drops them on top of the substrate.

Yvonne G

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Like Barb said, it's not common for a solitary female to lay eggs. Only happens with the occasional female. There's an even greater chance that your young tortoise is male!

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