Leading a tortoise to water but can’t make him drink!!


New Member
Aug 3, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
Kountze texas
My 2 year old Sulcatas Fat Man and Little Boy have been in their outside enclosure for 3 months. I have had them since they were 1 month old. It is 15’ x 15’ with a 5’ x 5’ hide box. I have a 24 inch x 2 inch deep soaking tub recessed so the top is flush with the ground, and gets fresh water daily.
I have never observed them self soaking or drinking, even when I place them next to it. . At least every other day I place them in the tub to soak. When I do they drink water as if they are dying of thirst, drinking a lot of water. They have plenty of shade but I spray them down with a hose everyday which they enjoy. When I spray them they always drink the water from the ground once the water starts running in a stream. They have Timothy pellets full time, plenty of green grass to graze on, Hibiscus flowers and leaves almost everyday, spring mix less the spinach about once a week and cuttlebone full time, never fruit. It’s like they are scared of the tub!!??


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Regular soaks are the key to hydration. Tortoise occasionally will walk up and drink but rare however water must be available 24 x7. Mostly they walk through or avoid it :) :tort: . Trick is wet food either by content or washed in water and served wet. Regular soaks in high sided container for a length of time.


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Sep 6, 2011
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Also, they are not supposed to be housed in pairs, this is very stressful on them. Divide the area in half and give each its own enclosure. Groups can usually, not always work, or as a single tort but not pairs