Leo needs a new LOVING home please

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5 Year Member
Mar 9, 2011
Hi, i am new to this forum and i am slightly desperate and came across this site, so thought someone here may be able to help me. I am the proud owner of LEO, a 7 year old leopard tortoise at 14" long and just under 4kilos in weight. He is a fantastic character and a much loved member of my family. However i am unfortunetly having to find him a new home and although i cant bear to part with him, i must do what is right for Leo and not myself. I am after a home who will love him and care for him and give him the larger enclosure he so rightly deserves and the time he deserves. He loves to try and climb and loves his food. He is very active and loves bathing under the heat lamp. Please if any one knows of someone that could give him the home i am wanting and who is willing to keep in touch with his progress etc, please could they let me know. I live in southampton and would like to vet any offers of homes before i let him go.
Many thanks Maria

Read more: http://www.tortoiseforum.org/Thread-Hi-All-I-need-some-help-Please#ixzz1G8rOlD4g


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Jun 3, 2010
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Sorry you have to part with Leo and I hope you can find the perfect home for him.


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5 Year Member
Mar 9, 2011
Hi, thank you for the replies and im sorry i didnt state that i am in the UK. I hadnt realised that this was an american site and im so sorry. There seem to be a lot of you that could have helped give Leo the home he needed, and that makes me sad that i am over here and you are all over the other side of the world. It will be a very sad day for me and i hope he manages to find the home he so rightly deserves, i can imagine life without him, but sure it will get better in time. I will let you know what happens and thank you once again.


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Feb 17, 2011
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hello im in the uk as well is your leo a boy or girl because if its a girl i would love it to join my boy leo :)


New Member
5 Year Member
Mar 9, 2011
Hi and thank you for the reply. I have since found out that mLeo is infact Leonora and a girl, lol. However she has now got a new loving home and wish you luck in finding a mate for your leo.
Many thanks and regards

dav3 said:
hello im in the uk as well is your leo a boy or girl because if its a girl i would love it to join my boy leo :)
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