Lost our Russian tortoise

Shortie Tortie

New Member
Sep 15, 2024
Location (City and/or State)
Erie, Michigan
Hi there, if anybody could offer some advice or tips please. I turned my back for 10 minutes and my Russian decided to try and cross the road. 9/12/24. Somebody helped her across without my knowledge, and I ended up searching the soy bean field to the left of us for 6 hours and not across the street. We spent the next couple days searching that fallen tree, ditches, the whole property even with a drone and by foot with the help of a few people.. This is the end of day 3 and we are in shambles and not sleeping. We spend every single moment we can searching for her when not at work.
This is the "across the road".. we've lived here for 5 years and shes never been over there.. will she come back? Did she keep going straight south?we live in a small town surrounded by farm fields.
I'm going door to door with flyers already and searching a few nice people's yards in the morning. Tomorrow I'm calling all the vets and shelters and rescues I can. Please help me. She's our first child and an emotional support tortoise 💖 🐢 IMG_20240826_105000008.jpg


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Sep 6, 2011
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Chicago, Illinois, USA
So very sorry. What you have done and are going to do is what we would suggest
Also, look for her first thing in the a m. when the sun comes out. She will be trying to warm up from the cooler night.
Good luck and keep us posted.


Well-Known Member
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5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jul 8, 2017
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Low desert 50 mi SE of Palm Springs CA
Any bushes or shady places in the middle of the day are also good places to look. When torts bury themselves under leaf litter, they can be impossible to see. You can't just look with your eyes...you have to get down on the ground and feel for her under the leaves and dirt.

My best wishes for finding her are with you. 🙏

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