

New Member
Jun 17, 2024
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I have had Marco since October and recently he has stopped eating and just wants to hide on the dark side of his enclosure. I took him to vet they couldn't find anything wrong with him, said to change his lights a bit and I did it helped for a few days then he just went right back to the dark side again. The vet suggested getting him outside in sunlight for a few hours but he doesn't like to be out there either. He was doing great until these past few weeks. he had the correct enclosure, substrate, lights, UV lights, ect.. i read they can get depressed, not sure how to get him back to how he used to be.

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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We need some information, like for example, what is Marco? Where does he live? What do you feed? You say he has the "correct" enclosure, lights, etc. but what YOU think is correct and what WE think is correct may be two different things.


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2024
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We need some information, like for example, what is Marco? Where does he live? What do you feed? You say he has the "correct" enclosure, lights, etc. but what YOU think is correct and what WE think is correct may be two different things.
And same with the lights your vet thinks are correct. Many vets know very little about basic tortoise husbandry and what they do know, is often outdated.

Some pictures of Marco and his enclosure would help. How many days has it been since he ate? Has he been drinking/soaking after that? We need to rule out any health concerns even though he seems healthy, there might be an underlying condition causing this change in behavior.


New Member
Jun 17, 2024
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We need some information, like for example, what is Marco? Where does he live? What do you feed? You say he has the "correct" enclosure, lights, etc. but what YOU think is correct and what WE think is correct may be two different things.
he is a Russian Tortoise he had coconut fiber substrate, a heat light both UV and red for night time a UVB bulb he eats leafy greens, he loves red leaf. and i know everyone had their own option on what is right and what is wrong but I went by the book when i took over caring for him so i DO believe he has the proper set up. I'm just looking for a few pieces of advise as far as what other russian turtle owners have done.


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2024
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Could you specify what kind of lamps do you have? Some brands and types of lamps are known to have dangerously flawed lamps in their batches for example.

Can you answer my questions about his eating and drinking?

Do you see any reason for his depression? Has there been any changes made to his diet or enclosure?


New Member
Jun 17, 2024
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Could you specify what kind of lamps do you have? Some brands and types of lamps are known to have dangerously flawed lamps in their batches for example.

Can you answer my questions about his eating and drinking?

Do you see any reason for his depression? Has there been any changes made to his diet or enclosure?
no change in diet or enclosure it is the zoo med dual lights one is white the other is red along the top is a UVB light.


New Member
Jun 17, 2024
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Do you mean that he has a red light on during the night ? If so, that may be part of his problem, as tortoises need darkness at night.
the red light was recommended by other russian turtle owners along with the vet nothing has changed he always had the red light even with previous owners.

Yvonne G

Old Timer
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10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
he is a Russian Tortoise he had coconut fiber substrate, a heat light both UV and red for night time a UVB bulb he eats leafy greens, he loves red leaf. and i know everyone had their own option on what is right and what is wrong but I went by the book when i took over caring for him so i DO believe he has the proper set up. I'm just looking for a few pieces of advise as far as what other russian turtle owners have done.
The "book" was written years ago and most if not all info from the past is outdated and wrong.

Yvonne G

Old Timer
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10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
You came here for help. The info we have for you is current and cutting edge. Quite a few breeders, keepers and vets haven't kept up and are still giving out bad info. At least try what we're telling you. Your tortoise's life is at stake.


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Apr 6, 2024
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It is sad to see you give up on taking advice. Our goal is never to discourage anyone away. You need to release that if you are having a health problem with your tortoise, then there is probably things that need to be addressed an changed.

Please read these to do a self check on the new information and the care of your tortoise.



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Most likely almost everything you are doing is wrong. The enclosure is to small, needs to be minimum of a 4x8 foot. There should be no red light used. Basking temp should be 95-100 with an incandescent flood bulb. The rest of the enclosure should range from 75-80. Uvb should be from a tube florescent and if night heat is needed it should come from a ceramic heat emitter.
All tortoises want to be outside, that's what they know. If you can get him outside in a proper sized enclosure that's where he should be in warm weather
Forget what you read, what the vet says and whoever the other tortoise owners told you, they are not correct


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Jun 21, 2016
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Hey there and welcome! Hope you're still here! I can only promise you, as someone who has been a member here for eight years, that what you have been told on this site is the RIGHT stuff for your tortoise. Please forget all the other confusing and incorrect things you have been told elsewhere. THIS IS IT, you are here with your tortoise and we are here to make sure he gets straightened out with good care and a bright future with you as his owner! Please stay and learn, as I sure did. Thanks!

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