
New Member
Aug 27, 2024
Location (City and/or State)
Scotland, UK
Got our 1yr old Hermann!

Their vivarium has been adjusted so many times because they LOVE climbing (one of the few things we didn’t think we’d have to stress about aha).

We’re trying them on a variety of foods just now and trying to perfect the lighting/heating/humidity to keep them happy and healthy!
So far they’ve had lambs lettuce, pansy flowers, thyme and plantain leaf. Also have some Komodo pellets as that’s what they had before but trying to minimise them for times when it’s hard to get fresh.
They have a T5 UVB light on full for 4hrs a day and gradually dims in evening to be off for night.
Waiting for some ambient lighting to arrive.
A basking bulb on for 12hrs at 93-95F.
Humidity 60-70%.
Coco coir substrate & plenty of hides.

Appreciate all the advice and support here because it’s such a minefield with all the info and we really want to do the best for them.

(and yes, that is blocks for a baby’s nursery ahah)


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Well-Known Member
Tortoise Club
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jun 10, 2016
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Welcome to the forum. Do you only have 1 tortoise?


Well-Known Member
Tortoise Club
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jun 10, 2016
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He is cute. I only asked about having more than one, because you typed they often. Congratulations on Churro.


Well-Known Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 4, 2022
Location (City and/or State)
Canebrake Ca
Thank You for the pic, we ALL love a Baby Tort pic. Glad you are here and Churro will have a happier, healthier and better life the longer you hang around. Terrible advice and information is all over the world wide web and social media only causing more suffering in these Fantastic and Beautiful creatures we ALL Love.
Churro will start to show you character and attitude only increasing your love for Him/Her.


New Member
Aug 27, 2024
Location (City and/or State)
Scotland, UK
Thank You for the pic, we ALL love a Baby Tort pic. Glad you are here and Churro will have a happier, healthier and better life the longer you hang around. Terrible advice and information is all over the world wide web and social media only causing more suffering in these Fantastic and Beautiful creatures we ALL Love.
Churro will start to show you character and attitude only increasing your love for Him/Her.
Thank you! Yes it’s been quite complicated especially because my partner and I are both reading different things and I only joined this forum recently whereas he’s been reading up on stuff for a long time. I’m trying to stick to here for info since I do trust the info I get, he’s just a bit more skeptical taking all our info off 1 source.

We both just want to do the best for him! But it’s just always worrying if we’re doing the right thing all the time.

So far he seems very confident and energetic. He loves to climb and we’re currently reorganising his vivarium for what seems to be the 100th time in a couple days 😂

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