Meet Turbo


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Jan 26, 2013
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San Antonio, Texas
A lady called me from Uvalde Texas and explained to me that there was a Sulcata Tortoise that had been set free by the owners and that shed tried to care for him but was financially unable to keep him warm safe and fed. But i commended her for having tried. Hed been just hanging around her yard. She was in no financial position to bring him to me and at this time my car is not running. And i didnt have the money to go get him. Uvalde is a long way from me. :( It took me three days and alot of convincing and money borrowed from a family member to go pick him up and hes huge. Well to me he is. I dont have exact weight. But definitly a big boy. At least 40 lbs she says the lady i picked him up from said the people that let him go got him about 8 yrs ago as a hatchling. I tried talking to them but to no avail. They just were tired of dealing with him :( Poor Tort. So now TFO its up to you guys to guide me through this once again. I wasnt prepared at all. But hes safe for now a.d tbats all tbat matters.



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Jul 16, 2013
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OMG YAY!!!!!!

Go follow my "Oliver" thread. Prob help you out a bunch. Oliver is indoors for now, too cold in Oregon.

Good job. I'm so happy for you!


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Aug 23, 2012
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Wow, that tremendous! You go girl!!! Thanks for being so kind as to get this poor guy. I can't believe someone could raise a tort since he was a hatchling, only to give up on him after 8 years. They could've tried to find a home for him instead of just leaving him outside to fend for himself. Thank you for taking him in. Sandy's thread on Oliver could help you a lot. Heck, he even looks like Oliver!!! Also, keep us posted of anything that could concern you. Like the name too: Turbo:):):)

Ok, now tell us where are you gonna keep him during the winter? What kind of setup do you have?


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Oliver says "hi" to his new buddy!


He told me he's anxious to hear tales of Turbo's new life together with you. Gotta get creative with a big guy! I live alone, and I'm a petite woman....117#, so moving him for soak or cleaning house or taking outside is a workout! I bribe him with cactus now. [GRINNING FACE WITH SMILING EYES]

And maybe you want to barricade your fridge...

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Aug 23, 2012
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Florida, USA
Oh Sandy, you're in trouble now!!! Maria, never leave your frig door open when Turbo is around. Yeah, I wish there was a way Oliver and Turbo could meet. Heck, I would fly out there just for the occasion.:p


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Jan 26, 2013
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San Antonio, Texas
Lol..Turbo is inside also Sandy. And Sibi it would be great if we could all get together and have a sulcata meet and greet. :cool: I will share more soon getting big man settled in.:p


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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He's nice! Isn't it funny the wheeling and dealing we will do to come up with ways to get to or pay for these guys? :D I know I was just yesterday trying to shuffle bills and money around to take in two from TX. Didn't happen, but my mind was working on it. :D


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Jan 26, 2013
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San Antonio, Texas
Thank you Kerryann. :)

Well, Turbo is resting asleep in the hay. lol He ate some spring mix and timothy hay even let me feed him a couple pieces. And then he took a stroll through the livingroom and down the hallway. I soaked him dried him off and then he buried himself under his hay. Im going to get him some dirt tomorrow. As i said before he was very much a surprise. I will be working on where he will spend the winter. Me and hubby are gonna look tomorrow to see if its possible to set him up here. I would love to keep him but in the same manner of thinking i want to be fair to him. We are limited in space here. :( In a year we will be moving to a much larger house with 4 acres. :D I can hardly wait.. I just hope we have enough space here with the other three. They all have their own outside set up so its getting very iffy.. So we will see.


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Jan 26, 2013
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San Antonio, Texas
Re: RE: Meet Turbo

Jacqui said:
He's nice! Isn't it funny the wheeling and dealing we will do to come up with ways to get to or pay for these guys? :D I know I was just yesterday trying to shuffle bills and money around to take in two from TX. Didn't happen, but my mind was working on it. :D

Im telling you Ms Jacqui its crazy. Im pointing fimgers at TFO. :D Ive only got 3 more since ive joined. And none did i go out looking for. :rolleyes: lol Its kinda like me and the stray cats, there actually finding there way to me now. Lol Hopfully thats under control now.
Im outta room at this location. :)


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sissyofone said:
Jacqui said:
He's nice! Isn't it funny the wheeling and dealing we will do to come up with ways to get to or pay for these guys? :D I know I was just yesterday trying to shuffle bills and money around to take in two from TX. Didn't happen, but my mind was working on it. :D

Im telling you Ms Jacqui its crazy. Im pointing fimgers at TFO. :D Ive only got 3 more since ive joined. And none did i go out looking for. :rolleyes: lol Its kinda like me and the stray cats, there actually finding there way to me now. Lol Hopfully thats under control now.
Im outta room at this location. :)

Yah, gotta love the random "hey, can you take a 50 lb Sulcata " phone call!


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Jan 26, 2013
Location (City and/or State)
San Antonio, Texas
Re: RE: Meet Turbo

SenjiSandy said:
sissyofone said:
Jacqui said:
He's nice! Isn't it funny the wheeling and dealing we will do to come up with ways to get to or pay for these guys? :D I know I was just yesterday trying to shuffle bills and money around to take in two from TX. Didn't happen, but my mind was working on it. :D

Im telling you Ms Jacqui its crazy. Im pointing fimgers at TFO. :D Ive only got 3 more since ive joined. And none did i go out looking for. :rolleyes: lol Its kinda like me and the stray cats, there actually finding there way to me now. Lol Hopfully thats under control now.
Im outta room at this location. :)

Yah, gotta love the random "hey, can you take a 50 lb Sulcata " phone call!

Ya just gotta..:cool:
Especially the 30, 40,and 50 pounders..:D