My EBT stays in the water at all times.

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Jul 24, 2012
I adopted a female Eastern Box Turtle a couple of weeks ago. I have an outdoor pen with 3 other females and 1 male. She is always in the water dish(paint tray). When I feed them I pull her out of the water dish and place her near the food. SSheShe grabs a couple of bites


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Jul 24, 2012
Sorry, I was posting from my phone and having issues, probably my fault. Anyways, she stays in the water and when I take her out, she will go back in. Is this normal behavior? The other turtles will go in the water on occasions but not stay all day and night.


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Jul 24, 2012
mardigidydog said:
I adopted a female Eastern Box Turtle a couple of weeks ago. I have an outdoor pen with 3 other females and 1 male. She is always in the water dish(paint tray). When I feed them I pull her out of the water dish and place her near the food. SSheShe grabs a couple of bites

Sorrry I am having trouble on my phone. Is it normal behavior for an EBT to stay in the water all day and night? when I remove her from the water she will go back in.


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Jul 24, 2012
Is this normal behavior for an EBT to stay in the water all day and night?


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Some just like the water. It can be a sign that she is coming down with something like an ear or upper respiratory infection. So just watch for any swelling on the side of the head, or any nasal discharge. I have a couple that will sit in water for days or weeks, and then just stop, so it's not necessarily a sign of illness.

Yvonne G

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You're not having trouble posting. In the introductory section, it tells new members that their first 5 posts are moderated. This means a moderator has to look at them and approve them before they show up on the forum. Maybe a mod isn't online when you are posting, so it may take some time for them to show up.


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from everything i've read (and my experience once or twice), constant soaking is a sign of illness (r.i. or otherwise).

i would keep an eye on your little friend and perhaps even a vet check is in order.


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Jul 24, 2012
yagyujubei said:
Some just like the water. It can be a sign that she is coming down with something like an ear or upper respiratory infection. So just watch for any swelling on the side of the head, or any nasal discharge. I have a couple that will sit in water for days or weeks, and then just stop, so it's not necessarily a sign of illness.

I haven't noticed any nasal discharge or swelling on the side of the head. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed that she just really likes the water.

emysemys said:
You're not having trouble posting. In the introductory section, it tells new members that their first 5 posts are moderated. This means a moderator has to look at them and approve them before they show up on the forum. Maybe a mod isn't online when you are posting, so it may take some time for them to show up.

Thanks, I didn't realize that. Oops!

The nights are starting to get really cool in SC. Mid to lower 50's last several nights. I am worried and if she doesn't change her behavior soon I will definitely take her to the vet.
Thanks y'all for the advice!!!


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When they sit in the water most of the day that usually means they aren't feeling well and it could be the start of something. But....I have a male Eastern that sat in the water most of the day all Summer. He was the first one out of the water to eat and then right back in the pond again. When the weather started to get cool, he stopped going in the water and everyone, including him have started digging in for the Winter. I made sure he gained weight during the Suimmer and he was OK, before letting him hibernate. He is the only Eastern that I ever had that did this. I had a Three Toed who spent most of her time in the water too. So I would suggest just keeping an eye on her and make sure she is eating OK.


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Jul 24, 2012

Last night I took her out of the water and placed her next to a log then covered her with moss. When I went out this morning to check on her she was still next to the log covered in moss with her head sticking out. She began cruising around the pen once it warmed up some and then proceeded to climb a brush then a log pile( first time I have seen this from any of my turtles).
It's really ironic because she was the most active turtle today. And only spent a short time in the water.
I am breathing sighs of relief but will continue to monitor closely.
She is bunked up under the strawberry patch for the evening. Yeah!!!

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