My First Sulcata

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Thomas A

New Member
5 Year Member
Aug 23, 2012
whats going on all this is my first post on here so lets see how this goes. I just got my first sulcata and it has some pyramiding but i hope to fix that in the years to come. I live in Bakersfield California so you know the climate..
i do have a few questions, when i offer my new tort food he loves it! but as soon as i try and put nutrients like repti cal or a cuddle fish bone he has no interest what so ever and walks away to graze else ware what can i do to get him or her to eat the vitamins... and what else can i do besides regular soaks to help with the pyramiding...

well thank you for your time and i cant wait to get some feedback thanks all[/size]


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Dec 30, 2011
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Welcome to the forum :). I do not have a sulcata, but if you go to the sulcata section of this forum, there are a lot useful posts stickied to the top.


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Jan 22, 2010
Welcome to the forum and congrats on the new Sulcata. I have some Sulcata's, Russians and a Hermann's.
How long ago did you get him? I myself would let him settle in before I started adding new stuff.
And just leave the cuttle bone out for him to nibble on as he wishes for now.
Maybe instead of sprinkling some on, just give a teeny tiny pinch for now. Maybe not.
Some days by kiddo's chomp down on the cuttle bone like there's no tomorrow and other times it just sits.
They seem to know when they need it. Did you know you need to scrape the shinny hard part off before giving
the cuttle bone to it?


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use the supplement sparingly.. sprinkly Very little over wet greens..
feed a good assortment and calcuim rich foods, like cactus, and you wont have to worry as much. always leave the cuttle fish bone in with him.

Thomas A

New Member
5 Year Member
Aug 23, 2012
no i did not know about scraping the shiny part off first thank you for telling me :) ive had "her" for 2 days now, im not really globbin it on im just throwing a tiny pinch on the wet greens im even hiding it and she always seems to know lol not really stressed i know things take time just wanted some input. thanks again for the advise


New Member
5 Year Member
Aug 14, 2012
Location (City and/or State)
Manchester, UK
Hi and welcome!! Just got a baby Sulcata! All over the net, this is the best and most friendly place i have found for learning more about our Sulcata's and tortoises in general!

Blessed3x said:
Did you know you need to scrape the shinny hard part off before giving
the cuttle bone to it?

Did not know that!!!!! Thanks!
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