Need enrichment ideas


New Member
Apr 5, 2014
Hello Tortoise people! I am a mom to a 12 year old male Sulcata tortoise. He lives in the house because we are in Minnesota and our winters are cruddy to say the least. We also cannot have him outdoors without supervision because we live in an area where he would be stolen in minutes :(. So Tobie is in the house in his own room, it is 14 feet by 18 feet (roughly) and has linoleum for the floor and 2 feet up the walls. He has timothy hay on the floors and ceramic heating elements and UV lighting. No pyramiding and is doing well. My main issue is I need ideas for toys and such for him. I am afraid he is bored and lonely. Attempts to locate a friend have not panned out and I need realistic ideas to make his everyday a little less boring. I do have a large ball for him and an upside down plastic bin with a side cut out for him already. Thanks all, I am looking forward to any ideas!!

Yvonne G

Old Timer
TFO Admin
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
Location (City and/or State)
Clovis, CA
Hi, and welcome to the Forum!

In my opinion, it is a very good idea that your search for a 'buddy' for Tobie haven't panned out. Tortoises are solitary creatures and adding another tortoise to the room would have ended badly.

For enrichment, you can put large objects in the room so that he has to walk to the other side of the object to see what's going on in another part of the room...visual barriers, so to speak. Then, on the other side of the objects, place small amounts of food. Making him walk around to find his meal is enriching.

Some tortoises will 'play' with objects, some won't.