New to Tortoises! Look ok?

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Jun 13, 2011
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Hello all!
My name is Melissa, I am from Wisconsin.

A baby Hermann's Tortoise will be arriving at my home Tuesday afternoon. This will be my first tortoise, so I want to make sure the little guy's enclosure is all squared away before he arrives.

The enclosure is a 20gal long tank, which is temporary. I will only be in my small apartment for another year, and I plan on building a table before I move, if possible.

The bedding is Zoo Med Cypress mulch. I got it at Petco, and it was a little pricey. Does anyone have recommendations as to where I can get it a little cheaper? Will this be safe for my baby?

I have one of those under glass substrate heaters on the side of the tank that the hide is. I have it on a timer to turn on when the heat/uv lamp turns off for the night. I will also be attaching a sponge to the top of the hide. The humidity drops significantly when the heat lamp is on, and from what I read, humidity is important for the little guys.

I am going to get some larger, flat river stones to put in front of his food and water dishes so he can get in without dragging a bunch of that mulch in with him.





Does this all look pretty good?
Anything I should add, move, or take away?

Any input would be very much appreciated :)
I am VERY excited for my little guy to arrive, and I want the very best for it!


The Dog Trainer
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Everyone does things a little different, but here's what I would do:
1. Get a terra cotta plant saucer for a water and or food bowl. They are really cheap and offer low sides, shallow water, and great traction for little tortoise feet.
2. That light needs to be mounted straight down, not at an angle like that. The pics don't show if your screen top is in place, but if it is, it will block some of your UV and it will prevent you from raising or lowering your fixture to adjust your temps. They make adjustable lamp stands or you can just suspend the fixture by the cord somehow. (Electricians don't recommend this, but I've been doing it for 20 years without incident.) Lastly, I like to shine my basking lamps right on to a flat piece of slate or flagstone. This makes it easier to accurately measure your basking temps and disperses your heat better. It also wears down their nails a bit.
3. While you are at the hardware store, get a digital thermometer with a remote probe. Those stick on types are very inaccurate and unreliable. Then go online and look up PE1 infrared temp guns. Each one has its place and temps are important for all reptiles.
4. If that hide box is card board it will not last long with humidity. You can bet a plastic shoe box or dishwashing pan very cheap at Walmart and they work much better.

Can't wait to see pics of your little one. I love the hermann's tortoises.


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A lot of people recommend using an opaque container rather than clear glass. This is because tortoises and box turtles often don't understand that something they can see through is a barrier, and so they might continually ram into it. That's why I use a big 55-gallon plastic tub for each my Russian tortoises. Since you already have a terrarium, you could also just try taping a strip of cardboard or plastic all around the outside of the tank, say about 6 inches high or so, to keep the tortoise from trying to walk through.

Having said that, I have seen many turtles and tortoises being kept in glass tanks without problems, so you might not need to do anything. However, if your tortoise keeps trying to walk through the walls of his enclosure, then you'll know why, and you'll know what to do about it.

Yvonne G

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Hi Melissa:

Welcome to the forum!!


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Mar 25, 2011
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Hello Melissa, I would just suggest putting a border around the bottom of the tank so your tortoise can't see out and won't be trying to constantly getting thru the glass..I use Popsicle stick and made it into a fence that goes all the way around..


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May 15, 2011
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Hi Melissa welcome to the forum.

As for Cypress Mulch, I use Professional Blend NOFLOAT, I get at Home Depot. It is way cheaper that the product at the pet store. I am not sure since you are North that this will be available to you, but you can try. Why you are there...pick you up two of the terra cotta planter saucers mentioned earlier. They are about $1.50 for the size you need.

Good luck on your new Tort...I am sure you are going to give him/her a wonderful home.


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Jun 11, 2010
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Rocklin, CA
Welcome Melissa! The terra cotta saucers are a great suggestion. Also for the hide, you could use a Glad plastic container and cut the entryway out of it as well- they're pretty cheap and easily size upgradable without taking up a huge part of your tank. You might also look for some plants or something else he can hide under. So excited for you!!! Make sure you stay connected to our forum and ask lots of questions. It's good to have you here!

Maggie Cummings

Welcome have already gotten some great advice so all I'm going to say is, I love cypress mulch and I know you paid a pretty penny for it, so clean up any left over food and watch for teeny poops and pick them out and your mulch will last a long time. The only other advice I have is to stay in contact with us and ask questions before any problem pops up. Also even tho you may disagree with any advice you get remember we are giving advice from years of Tom's advice about your light. The UVB rays need to come straight down not at an angle, so even tho you don't know why, just know that Tom has years of experience so you can gain from it and if you listen to us and stay in touch and ask questions your baby will grow and prosper.
Remember babies are very fragile...when you get him, put him in a warm soak right away...


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Jun 13, 2011
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Thanks everyone! I have taken this all into account.

I will have to look for a stand for my lamp. I don't want to buy a screen for the top of my aquarium, because it isn't my intentions to keep him in there long.

I will also switch out the hide, and consider some new dishes. I have to see if I can find the packaging for those dishes... maybe I can return them.

I also put up a border around the other three sides of the tank.

Thanks for all your help and advice! I really appreciate it!
I want to be the best Tortoise mom I can be :)


The member formerly known as captain awesome
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I get so angry (at the pet stores) when they sell people those decorative feeding dishes for like 20 times what a nice terra cotta dish costs, I would add a plant or two but besides that and the above suggestions it looks pretty nice.


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Would a terra cotta pot tipped on its side be a suitable hide? I had two saucers and a pot already at my house, and I found the packaging for the dishes, so I am going to just take them back.


The Dog Trainer
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The terra cotta pot will be an okay hide, but it won't hold much humidity, if that is what you are after.


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The humidity went up significantly with the addition of that mulch :) That, and I spend most of the summer with the windows in my apartment open. Wisconsin gets pretty humid!


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here it is with the changes! Though I'm afraid my lamp isn't working properly anymore :((



any further suggestions?
My little guy comes tomorrow round noon :)


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dmmj said:
I get so angry (at the pet stores) when they sell people those decorative feeding dishes for like 20 times what a nice terra cotta dish costs, I would add a plant or two but besides that and the above suggestions it looks pretty nice.

I agree , I am a new russian tort owner and was given the decorative water dish from the person I adopted from , I need to get a terra cotta one (much cheaper ) . Also I have had to rescue my tort because the sides to those dishes are high and she actually flipped onto her back into the dish. I never thought about a little ramp for her, may have to do that until I get her outdoor enclosure built.
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