New to turtles

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MarcaineArt said:
Did I miss something? I don't see a post mocking faith. If one was posted then removed all the better. To each their own in that respect and there's nothing wrong with sending a little positive energy in the world whether through prayer, wishful thinking, or doing what you can to help others. I would look into the laws to make sure you aren't going to get in trouble but other than that if you are willing and able to give this little one a good home with protection from predators more power to you. Who knows maybe you'll eventually come across a mate for it (by purchase or divine intervention) and help the species continue. Sorry not trying to hijack the thread just throwing my 2 cents in the pot.

Read Harris' post below the line. Harris is mocking Darth Adamas' prayer for a turtle to show up. I think it's a little uncalled for, not to mention that kingfishers are not sparrows.


Darth Adamus

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Apr 4, 2012
I know we can't all get along all the time, but when it comes to the well being of an animal we can put our differences aside and all agree that the best care is the only option. Thanks for all the help. We are keeping her and in Mississippi there are no laws protecting them. I have a great enclosure under construction. Rain and finding carpenter ants slowed me down, but it is coming slowly but surely.


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Mar 8, 2012
Sorry I don't usually read peoples signatures except for what they have for pets. Thanks for clearing it up and I'd love to see some pics of your enclosure when it's done Darth.


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Darth Adamus said:
I know we can't all get along all the time, but when it comes to the well being of an animal we can put our differences aside and all agree that the best care is the only option. Thanks for all the help. We are keeping her and in Mississippi there are no laws protecting them. I have a great enclosure under construction. Rain and finding carpenter ants slowed me down, but it is coming slowly but surely.

I wasn't asking if there was a law protecting them in ur state. I was just saying that it is usually not a great idea to take wildlife from the wild when u can purchase a captive bred turtle that would probably do much better in captivity . I wasn't trying to attack anyone or get upset

Darth Adamus

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Apr 4, 2012
I was concerned she was a released pet based on her behavior. I have no way of knowing. All I can do is give her a better life than a captivity raised turtle released to the wild.

Stephanie that post was not directed at you. I think you are looking out for the good of the species. No harm done. I mainly wanted help being that the only turtle I have ever had was a red eared slider that got caught on a fishing hook. I had to take him home and use wire snips to get the hook out. I kept him over night to monitor him and let him back in the lake the next day. I am by no means a capturer.


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Darth Adamus said:
I am a Christian and we prayed about finding the right turtle and the next day she showed up in our backyard. Plus we have fallen in love with her.
I typically don't involve myself with unnecessary bickering, but you're quickly getting under my skin. Do what you and your family want; keep it. Make it a great home. All the best.

Darth Adamus

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Apr 4, 2012
Agreed. I am sure you personally have a much better idea of how to take care of the turtle so I will probably be asking a lot more questions. Thanks for helping keep the peace.


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woah, this thread went sour, :( lets leave it be.

in many states it is Legal to collect specimins from the wild. we here done usually condone it due to the extremly slow reproductive nature of turtles and tortoises. the usual exeptions is when a person stumbles upon one outside of its habitat, one in need of medial attention or one located in an area planned for development or within a developed area where harmful contact with cars or pets is inebitable. I used to doubt the nature of the homing instinct of wild boxies but have recently become a convert due to several scientific studies showing that when taken from their home range they Will continue looking for it, ie crossing roads to find their home.

im sure that you either rescued the neighbors pet OR a lone individual in a highly developed area either way you may have just saved him from a run in with a tire or a game of fetch with the neighborhood dog


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What I really hate is to see people selling a group of adult Box Turtles on the classifieds. This really gets me sick. They just go out and collect as many as they can to sell. I really think that's terrible. But something like this, seeing a turtle in a developed area and then taking it in and giving it protected outdoor space, can't be wrong. Just my two cents. Of course if I ever ran across a high red Eastern sitting under a tree in the might see him in my turtle garden. :p Now to do this in NY you have to have a license/permit to own and collect.
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