New tortoise mom

Pastel Tortie

Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
North Florida
@mastershake has been working with a specialist in Florida who's been trying to track things down and hopefully get some traction in resolving this.

Anybody having issues with yellow bumps on baby sulcatas, please speak up. Post it in the Tortoise Health section of the forum.

Pastel Tortie

Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
North Florida
Note to Moderator(s):

@Yvonne G Can we get this thread moved over to the Tortoise Health section?
If it's okay with @sspapkins, that is. :)

This is more of a health issue than an introduction, and I think it will do more good having this thread in the same section with the related threads.

Pastel Tortie

Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
North Florida
Additional Note:

I'm thinking about putting together a summary thread about the yellow bumps in baby sulcatas.
  1. I'd like to at least wrangle the links to all of the relevant threads in one place. That would probably help anyone working the epidemiology side of this.
  2. I would also like to include any guidance for the keepers on what to do if their baby sulcatas have yellow bumps. Biosecurity protocols (isolation, hygiene), what to tell the veterinarian, any tests to ask for, products to use, and any other information that would be useful to know.
For item 2 (above), I'm going to ask @mastershake to help draft appropriate guidance, so maybe he won't have to repeat himself so often... And if/when the guidance changes, we will have just the one place to update is here. @Tom may be hearing from me, too.

Unless I need to hold off for some reason (or someone else really wants to take on that task and run with it, please be my guest), I will probably start compiling the summary thread on Monday (tomorrow).


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Low desert 50 mi SE of Palm Springs CA
Additional Note:

I'm thinking about putting together a summary thread about the yellow bumps in baby sulcatas. ...I will probably start compiling the summary thread on Monday (tomorrow).

Thank you Pastel Tortie, for taking this project on. I am certain it will be of tremendous value in tracking down the source of this infection.

Pastel Tortie

Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
North Florida
it is kind of like a tractor supply
Okay, those I know. If you haven't already, please contact the store where you purchased your little one and let them know about the yellow bumps. As far as we're aware, what's been showing up as yellow bumps or yellow spots in baby sulcatas is a contagious bacterial disease that requires veterinary treatment and antibiotics. It seems to clear up completely once the baby sulcata is treated with appropriate antibiotics.

The store will need to isolate and treat any tortoises that were shipped with, housed with, or otherwise in contact with your baby and/or any tortoises your baby might have come in contact with, directly or indirectly. Like I said, what's showing up lately is contagious, and they need to treat it that way. That means biosecurity protocols and getting a veterinarian involved. Hopefully they already know a competent reptile veterinarian, but if not, some of our forum members can help them find a good one in New York.

The store will also need to notify their supplier and make sure any other stores that received tortoises from the supplier are also aware. The supplier and other stores will likely need to enact biosecurity protocols (isolation, hygiene) and have the tortoises treated by a veterinarian. Testing may be necessary to determine what antibiotics to use. It will help to convey to the veterinarian(s) that what has been showing up is a contagious bacterial disease.


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i would also be curious to know where (if they will tell you) they get their stock from or if not the breeder at least where location wise they come from


New Member
Aug 23, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
Central Square NY
Okay, those I know. If you haven't already, please contact the store where you purchased your little one and let them know about the yellow bumps. As far as we're aware, what's been showing up as yellow bumps or yellow spots in baby sulcatas is a contagious bacterial disease that requires veterinary treatment and antibiotics. It seems to clear up completely once the baby sulcata is treated with appropriate antibiotics.

The store will need to isolate and treat any tortoises that were shipped with, housed with, or otherwise in contact with your baby and/or any tortoises your baby might have come in contact with, directly or indirectly. Like I said, what's showing up lately is contagious, and they need to treat it that way. That means biosecurity protocols and getting a veterinarian involved. Hopefully they already know a competent reptile veterinarian, but if not, some of our forum members can help them find a good one in New York.

The store will also need to notify their supplier and make sure any other stores that received tortoises from the supplier are also aware. The supplier and other stores will likely need to enact biosecurity protocols (isolation, hygiene) and have the tortoises treated by a veterinarian. Testing may be necessary to determine what antibiotics to use. It will help to convey to the veterinarian(s) that what has been showing up is a contagious bacterial disease.
I contacted countrymax and explained what is going on with Perseus, they told me they would reach out to the supplier.


New Member
Aug 23, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
Central Square NY
Update on my Perseus. He spent the night at the vets came home with an antibiotic and an antibiotic soak solution. Dr said it definitely was skin bacteria.

Pastel Tortie

Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
North Florida
Update on my Perseus. He spent the night at the vets came home with an antibiotic and an antibiotic soak solution. Dr said it definitely was skin bacteria.
Any indication how long before the yellow bumps should clear up on Perseus? I hope he's feeling better soon. (Great name, by the way.)

Did they run any tests? Did they mention the name of the bacteria, by any chance?


New Member
Aug 23, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
Central Square NY
Any indication how long before the yellow bumps should clear up on Perseus? I hope he's feeling better soon. (Great name, by the way.)

Did they run any tests? Did they mention the name of the bacteria, by any chance?
He has a follow-up on sept 8th. Fingers crossed he will be all good by then. He didn’t say.


New Member
Aug 23, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
Central Square NY
So the yellow bumps have disappeared? Does Perseus still have the follow up scheduled for Tuesday (September 8)?

Not sure what to tell you regarding the off appetite...
His yellow bumps are completely gone. I bought him a powder supplement he gets twice a day threw a syringe. seen the vet a cpl days ago, he hasn’t lost any weight but hasn’t gained either.