New tortoise owner

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Jun 30, 2012
So I bought my Russian Tortoise a little over a month ago. I am really worried about him. I bought him from a pet store and I bought a fish-tank style home as well. After some research I found out this wasn't good because of the transparency. I put up some paper with a daisy print on it. Is that good enough, or should I build him a new encloser? I live in Florida so I am worried about building him a home outside because of the heat and rain. Also I know racoons live around here so I don't know if it safe.

Also I am a bit confused on what to feed him because the pet store workers said he liked romaine lettuce and other greens, but he isn't eating and I am super worried that he might be sick. I tried doing research on why he isn't eating, some sites said its because he is too hot. Others said he is too cold.

What type of vitamins and supplements should I give him?

Is alfalfa hay bad? Some owners said the tortoises like it, others say that it is bad for them. I am just really confused.


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Hello and Welcome.:D. A animal safe enclosure for outside would be a great thing. All tortoises should be able to live outside when possible. The glass enclosure is fine, as long as it is large enough and the covering you did so he can't see out is good. Others will be along to help you out with more stuff then I can.

Yvonne G

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Hi blueangel570:

Welcome to the Tortoise Forum!!

Well, you've come to the right place. We may disagree somewhat on how to achieve nervana for your tortoise, however, you'll get the best of both sides of the disagreement and will be able to make you own decision.

Steppe tortoises (Russians) need a lot of room. Your pet shop steppe tortoise is NOT a baby, so he NEEDS A LOT OF ROOM. You just can't provide that in an aquarium. Not even in a 100 gallon aquarium.

If you set him up outside, there will be many, many things for him to eat and your eating problem will be solved. They eat broad-leaffed weeds and plants. You can also offer Spring Mix, chicory, plantain, escarole, endive, turnip greens, etc. Your new tortoise probably isn't eating because he's been uprooted from his "territory" and plunked down in a new territory. He's not sure he's safe. And he needs time to adjust. If you're worried about critters outside, they are usually night time hunters, so you can just bring the tortoise in at night.

If you have him in a big enough habitat...something like 4' long by 2' wide, then you can have it 100F degrees directly under the light, around 80F at one end and room temperature at the other end. Tortoises MUST have a gradient so they can heat up and cool down by moving around the habitat. Once he's familiar and settled in, and has the correct temperatures, he'll eat.

You can sprinkle a PINCH of calcium on the food 2 or 3 times a week. I don't give my tortoise vitamins, but maybe someone else can tell you about what they use.

I doubt a steppe tortoise would eat alfalfa. In my opinion, it shouldn't be offered to tortoises, however some of us here DO offer it. Like I said, take your views from both sides and make your own decision.

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5 Year Member
Jun 30, 2012
emysemys said:
Hi blueangel570:

Welcome to the Tortoise Forum!!

Well, you've come to the right place. We may disagree somewhat on how to achieve nervana for your tortoise, however, you'll get the best of both sides of the disagreement and will be able to make you own decision.

Steppe tortoises (Russians) need a lot of room. Your pet shop steppe tortoise is NOT a baby, so he NEEDS A LOT OF ROOM. You just can't provide that in an aquarium. Not even in a 100 gallon aquarium.

If you set him up outside, there will be many, many things for him to eat and your eating problem will be solved. They eat broad-leaffed weeds and plants. You can also offer Spring Mix, chicory, plantain, escarole, endive, turnip greens, etc. Your new tortoise probably isn't eating because he's been uprooted from his "territory" and plunked down in a new territory. He's not sure he's safe. And he needs time to adjust. If you're worried about critters outside, they are usually night time hunters, so you can just bring the tortoise in at night.

If you have him in a big enough habitat...something like 4' long by 2' wide, then you can have it 100F degrees directly under the light, around 80F at one end and room temperature at the other end. Tortoises MUST have a gradient so they can heat up and cool down by moving around the habitat. Once he's familiar and settled in, and has the correct temperatures, he'll eat.

You can sprinkle a PINCH of calcium on the food 2 or 3 times a week. I don't give my tortoise vitamins, but maybe someone else can tell you about what they use.

I doubt a steppe tortoise would eat alfalfa. In my opinion, it shouldn't be offered to tortoises, however some of us here DO offer it. Like I said, take your views from both sides and make your own decision.

What would you like us to call you?
Thanks for the advice. If I did put him outside and brought him in during the night, what should I put him in while he sleeps?
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