
Active Member
5 Year Member
Nov 23, 2014
this is for my two Russians...1.JPG 2.JPG 3.JPG 5.JPG Not being handy with a screwdriver, hammer nor powertool, my expanded
(from last year) outdoor enclosure (used when I am not walking with
them individual) today turned out to be a success. I leisurely, at
snail's pace, put it up yesterday in 37 minutes. It should take about 5
minutes or so to take down. It is secure, keeping in mind that a tort
may eventually be able to dig under a wall, though the sinewy effect of
grass below the ground makes it difficult and it would be no quick task
for even my strong, innovative Luna nor the sharp nailed and smaller
Jadely. Meanwhile assuming picture(s) here are attached OK, the entire
thing is about 6 feet by 12 feet. The 8-ish inch high/6-ish feet long
wood "common boards" (6 were used) are $8.47 each at Home Depot. The
corner clamp/vice items are $9.99 each at Home Depot (4 were used). The
middle blue vices, keeping the side boards together are $18.99 or
$19.99 (depending if using cash/credit or Lowes card) at Lowes Home
Improvement-the vices are available online also (2 are used here.)
Awaiting further "props", the hill/multi hide consists of the largest
half log hide sold at large and small pet stores (this one from
Petsmart if I recall) and covering is a $2.99 Home Depot floor mat that
has great traction on to and is virtually waterproof on the bottom. For added shade, a flattened out large box works, while still bringing air in, placed near a corner, resting on two walls and weighted down with something not too heavy so wind doesn't move it but would not cause harm if it fell in enclosure. This is all intended for temperatures in the 70s and 80s. Luna walking outdoors in 90 seems like he's huffing and puffing and anything too close to 65 outdoors puts him in hibernation mode thereafter which could last for weeks. Today, reaping the rewards of strong March sun, and in the 70s, they both got their exercise. Also, if either one runs into the hide area too quickly in the beginning and remains there longer than 5 minutes, defeating the purpose of being out to roam, I remove it for a while, even though it does form a secure haven, item of familiarity, a place to climb and s an additional visual barrier. This is a less attractive part of the grounds but closer to the back porch and subject to getting nutritious weeds and dandelion so it's a great place for it.


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Tortoise Club
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Sep 6, 2011
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Chicago, Illinois, USA
I would provide much more shade. Black attracts the sun, so that hide will get very hot. I would also seperate them, torts don't do good in pairs, specially Russians, even if it's a male and female. It also needs a water dish.

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