Night time high temp


New Member
Aug 11, 2024
Location (City and/or State)
North Carolina
Hello. I am new here and I just have to say that this forum has been a game changer. I have a sulcata hatchling and I want to have the perfect nighttime temp. I know that the temp can never go below 80°F but what can the nighttime high be? I have a radiant heat panel on a thermostat set at 87° to keep the coldest part of my closed chamber enclosure around 82°( I wanted a buffer so that it would never go below 80°). Is 87° too hot for night? I also worry that it is not providing a very good gradient. Also I keep the ambient temp around 86° on the cooler end during the day. Is that alright? Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks.


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I would not have it at 87 at night, a bit too much.
What is the hottest part of the enclosure if the cooler end is 82 with the thermostat set at 87 on the other end?
The basking should be at one end. The radiant panel in the middle. This should keep the whole enclosure the same temp and during the day, the end with the basking will be warmer. Put the hide on the opposite end from basking light. If it's too cold on the cooler end with radiant panel in the middle, then add a ceramic heat emitter


New Member
Aug 11, 2024
Location (City and/or State)
North Carolina
Alrighty. I thought it sounded too high. The hottest part at night is the 87° under the heat panel that is in the middle. Then the temp gets cooler the farther away you get from the panel in either direction. During the day the ambient temp is about 86° thoughout the enclosure with the basking temp being between 95-100°

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