Odd question

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Mar 20, 2008
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Ok, so this is a little odd and may be a little TMI, but - yesterday morning when I went to feed the boys I noticed a small urine spot on Tank's side of the enclosure. He's my 7 year old (time flies :( ), but the spot was smaller than he normally goes, and there was some type of mucus film on the spot. I asked my boss (herp vet) and he said it definately doesn't sound like urates. Could he have been a "happy" leopard and um...uh...do the thing that boys sometimes do? :blushes:

Also, I gave them a small piece of corn on the cob as a treat a few days ago. Tank ate some of his while Dozer didn't eat any. Also yesterday AM Tank had poo'd in his water dish and there were corn kernels in it. I guess corn does the same thing in them as it does in other animals? Or should he have digested all of it?



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I am cracking up :) Lana my girl sulcata has that same sounding stuff in her urine sometimes its think and slimy. I think corn is hard for anything to digest so corny poo I would not worry. I have a Tank too and I alwys thought if I got another boy tort I would name him Dozer, LOL I guess we think alike :)


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Lol. I was trying to word everything in a PG manner just in case. Dozer was a Doza at one point until he flashed me -.- I did take a picture of the mucus...if anyone needs to see it o_O It really wasn't thick. It was like a film that was opaque, but not really white or clear...it's kind of hard to describe :p


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Bumping this up. Maybe someone that breeds can help me out? I haven't seen any of the mucus since, but it's still worrisome.


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Macheteslaststep said:
Ok, so this is a little odd and may be a little TMI, but - yesterday morning when I went to feed the boys I noticed a small urine spot on Tank's side of the enclosure. He's my 7 year old (time flies :( ), but the spot was smaller than he normally goes, and there was some type of mucus film on the spot. I asked my boss (herp vet) and he said it definately doesn't sound like urates. Could he have been a "happy" leopard and um...uh...do the thing that boys sometimes do? :blushes:

Also, I gave them a small piece of corn on the cob as a treat a few days ago. Tank ate some of his while Dozer didn't eat any. Also yesterday AM Tank had poo'd in his water dish and there were corn kernels in it. I guess corn does the same thing in them as it does in other animals? Or should he have digested all of it?


When my males mate with my female on the patio there is usually some wet areas left on the concrete, but it's not like mucus, it's runny just like water or urine. If you haven't seen it since then and he is still eating and pooping normally I wouldn't worry about it.

With the corn, again if he is pooping and eating like normal I wouldn't worry about it.
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