Ornate and feed

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Oct 6, 2007
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Belchertown Ma
Hi there, I have an ornate I have had for a while from someone who was tired of it. She eats pretty well, veggies, greens, crickets, but have never used any prepeared turtle food.It's going to be more difficult in the up coming months(winter) to get her earth worms etc. Thoughts?? I also have Russians and a red foot and they eat so well I never thought of using that food either, but the newest Reptile mag I just recieved is really pushing those foods. What do you folks think?? Thanks Na


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Aug 21, 2007
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I have added mazuri tort food which I soak in water for 90 seconds just before feeding. My Greeks break it up but don't seem to eat it. The DT eat just about anything I give them. I would think in this day of internet you could buy worms of just about any kind and have them shipped to you. I often find them at fishing stores or use meal worms from pet stores.

I feel mags often do push certain foods often because they pay for ad spots.

My personal feelings are that they get a varied well rounded diet. That is the key.
I also give mine vitamins and Cal. 2 times a week.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Aug 28, 2007
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Between WalMart for the worms, bugs from the petstores, and the bugs I get online I have no problem feeding my bug eaters all winter long.

With all the worms I feed around here (mainly to the hinges, but to the boxies, asians, spots, and the water turtles), I have wanted to try raising some myself. Much cheaper in the long run and then I would know exactly what food they are eating. Just haven't ordered any worms in.

I am a bad one to say anything about the prepared foods. I have bought some, but never seem to feed it to any of the torts. Even the turtles only get it as a small small part of the diet. Do like having some for those moments when time or food supply is limited. I just like fresh better.


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I can't really answer your question.

But someone gave me some of those food pellets that you soak in water... I prefer to give my RT's greens and weeds, but am also concerned for the winter. Right now, I give my girls one or two of those pellets as a treat every now and again, and they love them, so if I can figure out what they are (the woman gave them to me in a clear baggie), I might get some more for the winter months.


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Aug 22, 2007
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cvalda said:
I can't really answer your question.

But someone gave me some of those food pellets that you soak in water... I prefer to give my RT's greens and weeds, but am also concerned for the winter. Right now, I give my girls one or two of those pellets as a treat every now and again, and they love them, so if I can figure out what they are (the woman gave them to me in a clear baggie), I might get some more for the winter months.

Pick up some Mazuri Tortoise Chow. Thats probably what it was.
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