
New Member
Jun 5, 2024
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Hiya guys!

I'm looking to give my boy (20yr old male sulcata) more of an outdoor habitat. I've only just been given control over him as he was a family pet that nobody seemed to really take care of 😡 so I'm trying to do it myself.

I've been looking at those wooden boxes that have insulated walls and a heat lamp but will that be okay all year round or do I still need to bring him in for the cold months?

He's never really been an outside tort before so I'm super nervous and plan on doing it gradually over time. We're in the UK so weather isn't great most of the year but will he be alright in 10-15 degree temperatures inside an insulated wooden box? It's got a lockable ramp door so I can shut him in if it gets too cold.

Any opinions or suggestions will be super helpful as I'm only 18 and my family have just sort of dumped him on me. He didn't have a great start in life so he's a bit small and he does have a bone disease but he gets around fine for now, we make regular trips to the vet and I've got money set aside for bills when they're needed.



Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2024
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Heat lamps aren't good for large tortoises. Radiant heat panels or ceramic heat emiters are a better way to go on. @Tom is the one you want to talk to about advice on building a box.

Where in England do you live? You need to think about how many days there will be when it is too cold? Housing a sulcata in England is very hard and expensive

Alex and the Redfoot

Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2023
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Perhaps, besides insulated nightbox (kept at 26-29C at all times), a large polytunnel can help him to stay outside more and provide some opportunities to graze.

He needs a lot of UVB and UK sun doesn't provide enough for the most time of the year. So some Calcium + D3 supplements and good UVB lamp will be required. If you cover polytunnel with UV-open plastic this help with providing UVB as well.


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
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I think a large pollytunnel like Alex suggested is going to be your best bet, this is no easy feat, these guys really don’t belong in the uk, it’s so sad they sell them here😞

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