Please help us.....


New Member
Jul 9, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Carmel, Indiana
We had a Russian Tortoise for 1 year and 1 month. We LOVED her. I did not even know I'd get sooooo emotionally attached to this small Russian Tortoise. She was a birthday present for my 10-year-old son last year. We'd talk to her, pet her on head and take her out to our backyard when it was sunny, warm weather...

My husband had issues with the turtle....issues like he'd take her out to backyard and forget about her and then remember in an hour or so about her.. I kept yelling at him but it didn't help. I thought he'd come to his senses and pay closer attention to her when he was taking her out. This July 5th, 2014 he took her outside and went inside to go cook small breakfest. I wasn't even aware she was outside without supervision. She was very "fisty" and she did travel fast she was always going somewhere. Well an hour later he remembered about her. And he went outside just like any OTHER time when he forgot her outside only those other times he did find her without much efforts but this time on July 5th she was GONE!!!!!! We searched every inch of our backyard and 4 naighbors back yards. I think they think we are crazy going into their back yards. We also placed flyers in mail boxes and around nighborhood but so far nothing!

We placed big lettuce leaves around our backyard thinking she might return to eat some lettuce but they are not even touched for a day now. We are all very dpressed now. I can't sleep thinking where is she and how she's doing when it's heavy rain outside and thunder and that poor turtle is all alone in the dark. The morale of our family is down. My husband is very upset too.

Could anyone suggest anything else? Maybe some food could provide some smell for turtle to come back?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


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Russians will dig, even under grass. Keep looking every morning when the sun come out. She will need to warm herself up and will bask. The best way to search for a missing tort is on hands and knees and feel every inch of ground, specially under things. Don't give up hope, we have had members missing a tort for months and then found them. The other thing you could do, besides the flyers, is call your nearby vets and pet rescues and inform them.
When you do find her, make an outside enclosure for her to go in. Even a kiddie pool will work. Tortosies, even though slow moving, can get out of side very quickly. Also, don't worry about the weather at this point. Russians can take pretty cold temps, they will just warm themselves up the next day. Also, they aren't afraid of the dark or rain, so that's not a problem for her either. Good luck and keep us informed.


New Member
Jul 9, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Carmel, Indiana
Thanks for your helpful tips Welington. That's a great idea to call animal rescues/shelters. Thank you!!!


New Member
Jun 30, 2014
Thanks for your helpful tips Welington. That's a great idea to call animal rescues/shelters. Thank you!!!
We lost our Russian "Jude" the end of June. We are heartbroken too. We had her 4 years. Just made up 50 more flyers to hand out and post around. I called the shelters and pet stores. Just wish we could find her. We put out fruit in her dish and placed them in two humane traps hoping she would try to get the food but nothing. Sooo very sad and worried


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Both of you keep up the hope and keep looking every day, specially when the sun comes up. Hoping for the best outcome for both of you.


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So sorry for you. I lost my little Box Turtle a few years ago. The only suggestion I can offer is to get down on your hands and knees and crawl all over the yard and look very carefully under every shrub. If see any loose soil ....ANYWHERE....dig there for a bit, especially under any plant or shrub. When you're down on the ground and feeling around you get a better perspective then if you're standing up. Good luck. Put a lot of food dishes down and water dishes near plants and shrubs. Also crawel along any fence you might have in your yard.


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Just keep looking, it is amazing the places they can hide. My Russian will dig under paving stones, rocks, logs, at the base of buildings, and plants. Also keep looking at the neighbors houses, if they let you :) and ask them to keep an eye out in the mornings also.


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Also, if it is really hot outside sometimes my Tortoise will come out from where she's hiding if I get out the garden hose and spray the vegetation and yard lightly. They'll seem to like the "rain".
It's worth a try :)


New Member
Jul 9, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Carmel, Indiana
Thanks all! Our 2 naighbors yards have private fences and we did see lose dirt there but we can't climb over it would be traspassing. We did give them flyers but they aren't actively looking for her. Funny how I didn't care for the turtle when my husband bought it for our son and now I am the ONLY ONE who looks for her every day several times a day and lose my sleep at night. I am like Jack Nicholson in the movie "As good as it gets" when he was forced to take care of his naighbor's dog and then was emotionally attached to that dog ;) Love that movie.


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I guess I am very pushy when it comes to my animals but I would just go ask the neighbors if you could look in their yard a couple times a day. As you put it you care about the ttortoise but they really don't. You could just tell them that the sooner you find her the sooner you will leave them alone :) And then once you do find her make sure to build a designated tortoise pen so that this does not happen again. And make it secure because Russians can climb really really well :) maybe put a top on it. There are lots of suggestions in the enclosure section.


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Don't forget to look into bushes as well. Once I lost mine to find it about 18 inches off the ground IN the bush. Russians love to climb as well as dig


Jul 20, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Hastings, East Sussex
Keep looking as my Horsefield got out of his run when i had him and looked everywhere thinking would never see him again. 9 days later on Mothers day he suddenly appeared at the bottom of our garden cool as you like tucking into grass. I have never screamed so much. So please do not lose hope, they are little terrors. Hope you find him soon. :)

Yvonne G

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I know it's old, but I'm hoping enough time has passed that the tortie was found

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