Please Help...


New Member
Aug 3, 2014
Hello everyone,
Thanks for reading the post.
I have bought 2 new turtoises and strongly suspect after reading some forum posts that many of the instructions given by the seller may harm them. Please help me by correcting the wrong instructions:
1- They should stay in water 24/7 and they get above water when they need to breath (my apartment temp. Varies between 40 and 25 by turning on the ac)
2- They eat food for fish (New Lion: Floating Pellet - for tropical fish-gold fisg & koi)
3-Each eats 3 balls of the floating pellet only per day (extremely tiny balls) and one of them has already eaten 12 balls (the food I put for her and the other turtoise)

If this food is okay, what other kinds of food can this/these species eat?

Can anyone please tell me the name of their (or each) species based on the photo posted?

One of them is very sick and has closed his eyes and refused to eat since I bought him. How can I avoid the other one getting infected from him?

Thanks a zillion,
I really appreciate


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Jul 21, 2014
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Hi, welcome to TFO.
These are not tortoises, but I cant tell you what type of turtle it is. I'm no turtle expert :rolleyes:
Although I do know that those turtles will need a way bigger tank, and a nice spot to try themselves and bask in.. Good luck.


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Those are turtles, they need a lot more than what's provided there. Also turtles (or at least ones I have owned before) are omnivores they feed not only on a good pellet brand but some vegetables and meat like shrimps or feeder fish, worms etc. you will need a way bigger swimming area than that and good basking area with heat lamp and uvb. It has been awhile since I owned a turtle so I don't have a whole lot of info but here are some pictures I found of really good ideas for turtle setups oh and also turtles make a LOT more waist then fish so any filter you get will need to be like 2 or 3 times the filtration you would get for a fish tank. Here are the pictures of different setups-

Yvonne G

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Hi Lily, and welcome to the Forum!

Your water turtles need a much bigger tank to swim in. We call those little plastic bowls with the palm tree "turtle death bowls."

The one with the red alongside his neck is a red ear slider - Trachemys scripta elegans. I'm not sure what the other one is. Water turtles can't swallow food unless they are under water.

Water turtles stay in the water most of the time, but sometimes climb out onto the landing dock to sit in the sun - or if in the house, to sit under the light that you have positioned over the landing dock. The water should be room temperature so that after he's finished warming up in the sun/light, he can jump back in the water to cool off.

Your sick baby isn't contagious. He's sick from living in the wrong conditions. Can you give him back to the seller and get your money back, or trade him for a healthy turtle? The sick turtle needs to be warmed up. It would be a good idea to separate them so you can treat the sick one. He might need antibiotics, but my GUESS is that he's sick because he hasn't been eating. And they won't eat if they're not warm enough. So they need a light to warm up under.

Here's a link to a generic water turtle care sheet:



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Aug 27, 2012
A stock tank from tractor supply company makes a nice pond. You can get more area than an aquarium for less money that way, or get a used tank. You want to replicate a pond or creek, not a puddle. In the meantime, put them in a rubbermaid tub & feed that poor starving baby.


New Member
Aug 3, 2014
Thank you so much everyone, each of you has really taught me an important thing that affected the life of my pets.

One final question, is it normal that they sleep over each other or shall I take the turtle off the back of the other when deep in sleep? I learned it is an action of courtship but aren't these babes too young for mating? I fear leaving them like that to find the one underneath out of breathe :( When I used to get them off the back of each other and separated them, each tried to escape and one succeeded for hiding for 3 days. It made me reluctant to even approach them when they are over the backs of each other. What do you recommend?


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Aug 27, 2012
They are sleeping stacked up because they want to be in the same place. They need a larger good place.


New Member
Aug 3, 2014
Can you give him back to the seller and get your money back, or trade him for a healthy turtle?

The one with the red alongside his neck is a red ear slider - Trachemys scripta elegans. I'm not sure what the other one is. Water turtles can't swallow food unless they are under water.


I did as you advised me and exchanged the sick one because I'm not experienced enough to handle him until safe and sound. The new one seems to get used to the environment (which I'm going to modify to be suitable as you recommended as soon as possible). It seems to start communicating with the old one.
One question please, my new babe doesn't eat as well :( it has her eyes opening and closing but I doubt it can see me well and there is a white membrane covering part of her eyes. Do you think it is sick for the same reason (the environment?) or is there something else wrong with it? Can you kindly tell me if you recognize their species. They look like the red eared slider I gave back to the seller (that was in the photo) but the line is very faint orange ( neither red nor bright orange nor yellow). The heads of both look the same but the shells are different as in the photo attached. The one above is the new one.20140803_213402.jpg20140803_213351.jpg


New Member
Aug 3, 2014
P.s: the membrane the covers part of its eyes is clear in the second photo.
Thanksssss a lot,
I appreciate :)


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5 Year Member
Aug 27, 2012
Are you saying that you haven't changed the death trap they're in but you swapped one turtle for another?


New Member
Aug 3, 2014
Are you saying that you haven't changed the death trap they're in but you swapped one turtle for another?

I have ordered a tank, a filter, a sunbath area & some little toys. I'm searching for a sun-heat lamp but I doubt I'll find it in my country. What do you recommend to replace it? Can an ordinary lamp do the job? Do I need a heater in water? The temperature where I live varies between 37 C without AC and 25 C turning on the AC. Winter can reach 10 C. Shall I bring a heater? Shall I use it all the year or only in winter?

Thanks johnsonnboswell in advance :)


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Aug 27, 2012
I'm on the clock here & can't give this a proper answer, need to convert the temps to be sure.... Maybe someone can do it before I get to it. But generally a heater for the water is not needed (need to confirm temps) but a hot UVB source for basking is necessary.

While you're waiting for that tank, move the poor thing into something temporary. Even the bath tub. A sweater box. A storage tub. A preformed pond.

Be prepared for the tank to be outgrown rapidly.


New Member
Aug 3, 2014
need to convert the temps to be sure...but a hot UVB source for basking is necessary.

While you're waiting for that tank, move the poor thing into something temporary...Be prepared for the tank to be outgrown rapidly.

37 C= 98.6 F
25 C= 77 F
10 C= 50 F
So what do you think? What if one day it gets colder than 50 F (which very rarely happens and may not happen at all)? what should I do?

Okay, I'll try to sort something out wider to put them in until the tank is here.

I doubt I'll find a UVB lamp in my country. Any alternatives? I thought of using an ordinary or neon lamp better than nothing. What's your opinion about this?

Can't wait to find them grown and healthy thanks to your support and other members' :D


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37 C= 98.6 F
25 C= 77 F
10 C= 50 F
So what do you think? What if one day it gets colder than 50 F (which very rarely happens and may not happen at all)? what should I do?

Okay, I'll try to sort something out wider to put them in until the tank is here.

I doubt I'll find a UVB lamp in my country. Any alternatives? I thought of using an ordinary or neon lamp better than nothing. What's your opinion about this?

Can't wait to find them grown and healthy thanks to your support and other members' :D
You can order one, it's pretty easy :)


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Aug 27, 2012
It's a bit too cold for winter at 50 to have them active & eating, so an aquarium heater would be good. Try to get one that isn't preset.

Will consider light issue. Am at work, maybe someone else can jump in. Where are you?


New Member
Aug 3, 2014
It's a bit too cold for winter at 50...Will consider light issue. Am at work...Where are you?

Okay I'll get them one and avoid a preset. Thanks for your support, effort and time. Sorry I had many questions to ask. I'm in Egypt. Have a lovely day :)

Best Regards


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Aug 27, 2012
Not too many questions, just a time problem on my end. I'm turning off my device now, so I'll talk to you later. On the meantime maybe someone else can help.

Someone very dear to me lives in Egypt.


New Member
Aug 3, 2014
Not too many questions, just a time problem on my end. I'm turning off my device now, so I'll talk to you later. On the meantime maybe someone else can help.

Someone very dear to me lives in Egypt.

Sure :) hope you have a productive day at work and enjoy a nice day. Hope your dear ones here are safe and sound :<3:



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Jul 12, 2013
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Welcome. I'm sorry you were so misinformed by the shelter. Hope you can get your turtles settled in properly. Good luck.

May, Aussies, & THBs