Preventing hatchlings from flipping on their back

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5 Year Member
Jul 24, 2009
Location (City and/or State)
Los Angeles, CA
Hello :)

I currently have a Sulcata hatchling who is about 2.5 weeks old. Marley has a tortoise table with bed-a-beast/sand mix as substrate. Recently, he's been attempting to climb on the walls more and is constantly on his back. He doesn't seem to be able to flip back on his own. I was wondering what I could do to prevent this from happening? He seemed like he was settling down for awhile and wasn't flipping as often, but recently (3-4 days now) he's been attempting to "escape" more.

I dont mind if he tries because he won't be able to but I'm concerned about him flipping while I'm not home :( Any valuable experience and knowledge that could help?

Thanks :)

- M&M


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Can you post pictures of your setup? Does your enclosure have glass walls? Because if it does, your baby doesn't understand WHY he can see what's on the other side but not reach it. He will keep climbing and flipping trying to get to that new place. Its very stressful, which is why glass is not advised.

If glass is not the culprit, then in IMO, the main reason torts climb the walls is boredom. Like I said, a picture would help. Then we can make recommendations as to what would help you.

Just saw a pic of your enclosure, and my guess would be that he is bored with a capital B.

This is my hatchling setup

Try adding some plants or realistic hides. And I would advise more bedding, so at the very least, he can burrow. Try aspen. Its great for desert species. My torts LOVE it.


Temps could also play a part if its to hot the tortoise will try to escape the heat... also if the enclosure is to small which is doubtful with a hatchling...

I have rocks randomly placed around my enclosure... so if they do flip they have something to push against to right themselves... also i have mounds under the lamps instead of having it flat so they don't get into trouble on there backs there... also pebbles in water bowls so they have something there to push against...


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Jul 21, 2009
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I'm worried about this too. Nelson is almost 3 months old and my mom found him flipped on his back while I was at work the other day. He was on the cool side of his enclosure but he wasn't moving :(
I'm terrified that he's going to do that one day and no one will find him for hours :(
I like the idea of putting mounds of substrate under the heat lamp, thanks for the suggestion! I'm also going to get some fake plants or rocks to put on the cool side by the open space where my mom found him flipped over.
I'm wondering if he fell off his half log- I didn't think he'd be able to get up there but my sister found him on it the other day.


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Oh they can get up there alright...torts love to climb. It sounds funny, but is definitely true.

There is a brand of "edible" logs that they make for rodents. They are much higher domed and little hatchlings can't get on top of them. I would suggest going to walmart or petco and picking one up. Its safer than an actual wood one, which are easily climbed.


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Yeah Tallula climbed her log hide many times, sometimes she came off ok, other times she landed sideways and could right herself quickly, and then other times she landed on her back,a nd I put her back upright. I actually moved her log under the ramp that leads to the 2nd floor, so she can't climb it, but she can sleep in it :p


5 Year Member
Jul 24, 2009
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Los Angeles, CA
Thanks for all the ideas! We made changes to his enclosure :)

We liked the picture of your enclosure Meg90 and thanks for your idea stells!
I hope Marley won't flip anymore heehee

- M&M
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