Protecting from Sulcata backyard demolition projects


May 19, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Southern Ohio - Zone 6b
My Mary Knobbins is destructive like that...I freaking love Sulcata anyway. lol Honestly, he is only going to get bigger and more destructive. You really need to make plans for that. Seriously, you cannot have Sulcata AND a nice yard. Pick now...
this is Mary KnobbinsView attachment 378829
This is where she livesView attachment 378830
her pen is made from 2 high cinderblocks. View attachment 378832

The bottom right is the box turtle pond, Mary likes to knock over the blocks there and she takes herself for a swim...this photo was taken in the fall. The swimming is in warm weather...Mary is pretty pyramided as she's had a pretty difficult life.View attachment 378852
Please believe my experience when I say your tortoise needs his own enclosure to be safe...he will get worse...Mary is easier to keep as she has her own world...
Mary is beautiful! As I (constantly) work on expanding my tort’s pen I have been thinking about switching from 2” thick boards in front of hog panels (with 12” buried), supported with t-posts, to cement blocks. Perhaps I put too much thought into a baby pen but I was concerned about it burrowing out or climbing over. On the bright side it’s has lasted 3 years with only one expansion.

I have seen pictures of tortoises knocking over cement blocks. I’m wondering if it would be possible to pound rebar through the holes of the cement blocks and into the ground. If I did it that way, do you think they would still be able to knock them over?

My sulcata is 4 years old, 11” long and weighs 11 pounds. How many years will cement work?

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