Pumpkin with watercress on regular basis?

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Oct 10, 2009
Tomorrow I am going to buy pumpkin which I will squash up mixed with watercress leaves, is this a good diet for my Stars on a regular basis?

Yvonne G

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Samstar: When you pose your questions in the "General" tortoise topics, be sure to let folks know what kind of tortoise your question refers to. I don't keep Star tortoises, but I really doubt feeding only pumpkin and only watercress is a good diet for any tortoise. You need a variety.



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Oct 10, 2009
emysemys said:
Samstar: When you pose your questions in the "General" tortoise topics, be sure to let folks know what kind of tortoise your question refers to. I don't keep Star tortoises, but I really doubt feeding only pumpkin and only watercress is a good diet for any tortoise. You need a variety.


Sorry missed that out. I was thinking of feeding my stars watercress leaves with pumpkin squashed tomorrow. Just wanted to know that there is more good in this mix than bad.


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Pumpkin and squashes are great on a periodic basis for torts, such as part of a meal once a week, or a full meal every month or so. Watercress is higher in oxalic acid so I wouldn't feed it as a dietary staple, but as part of a varied diet it's fine. Someone gave me the idea to shred the pumpkin or squash for smaller torts. Sounds like a great idea.

What do you typically feed your torts?


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Oct 10, 2009
tortoisenerd said:
Pumpkin and squashes are great on a periodic basis for torts, such as part of a meal once a week, or a full meal every month or so. Watercress is higher in oxalic acid so I wouldn't feed it as a dietary staple, but as part of a varied diet it's fine. Someone gave me the idea to shred the pumpkin or squash for smaller torts. Sounds like a great idea.

What do you typically feed your torts?

Mazuri mixed with calcium powder and vegetables(romaine, kale, long beans, parsley, hibiscus leaves and flowers, tomato peel, strawberry leaves and the list goes on). Off course usually I would mix the Mazuri with two-three of the above veggies at a time. Also their substrate is timothy hay and they graze on grass sometimes in my garden when I let them out to play under the sun.


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May I ask who recommended you give the Stars beans (starchy and high protein), parsley (high in oxalic acid), and tomato (sweet)? The others sound good, but I'd want confirmation those are ok from someone else as I wouldn't expect that in their diet although I don't have the breed. That's awesome they get to graze. Do they like the grass? Is it chemical free? Any weeds you can pull for them? Other vegetable options are spring mix, turnip/mustard/collard/radish/dandeion greens, watercress, endive, etc. My little guy (a Russian) eats Mazuri like it's crack or something. Sunday is Mazuri day here. Yay.


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Oct 10, 2009
tortoisenerd said:
May I ask who recommended you give the Stars beans (starchy and high protein), parsley (high in oxalic acid), and tomato (sweet)? The others sound good, but I'd want confirmation those are ok from someone else as I wouldn't expect that in their diet although I don't have the breed. That's awesome they get to graze. Do they like the grass? Is it chemical free? Any weeds you can pull for them? Other vegetable options are spring mix, turnip/mustard/collard/radish/dandeion greens, watercress, endive, etc. My little guy (a Russian) eats Mazuri like it's crack or something. Sunday is Mazuri day here. Yay.

WIll give them the parsley,tomato and beans to once ina few weeks. The grass in my garden is chemical free so thats ok. I will buy other spring mix you mentioned above.

Starry night

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Nov 23, 2009
Tortoisenerd. I have Sri Lankan stars and I've read several books on them. One written by a guy from Sri Lanka and in the wild a favorite food of them is long bean and I feed them to my tortoises but not all the time. I feed them watercress sometimes too because it provides some essential nutrients which I've read is good for them. There will always be debates on what to feed and not to feed your tortoises. Just read a lot and feed them what seems to work the best and don't spoil them on mazuri. Mine will not even touch mazuri but will attack repcal tortoise diet which I feed once in a while.


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That is quite interesting about Stars having beans in the wild--I would have never guessed. Thanks for sharing. Yes I agree each person has their own opinion, so that is why we need to state it and provide evidence so that others can then decide for themselves. Yup, I have to limit the Mazuri so he doesn't become addicted to it--part of a meal once a week, but a lot of times I forget so it is even less frequent than that.

Why do you chose to feed RepCal, even if infrequently? When I looked it up I found a photo of a container of colored pellets and the following listed ingredients. Looks like corn, soy, wheat, fruit, and vitamins.

Ground Corn, Soy Hulls, Soybean Meal, Wheat Germ, Dried Apple Pomace, Calcium Carbonate, Dicalcium Phosphate, Salt, Ascorbic Acid, Choline Chloride, Dried Mango, Dried Papaya, Dried Strawberry, Vegetable Oil, Methionine Supplement, Vitamin E Supplement, Ferrous Sulfate, Potassium Chloride, Zinc Sulfate, Zinc Oxide, Manganese Sulfate, Manganous Oxide, Niacin, Copper Sulfate, D-Calcium Pantothenate, Biotin, Vitamin B12 Supplement, Vitamin A Acetate, Riboflavin Supplement, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, Sodium Selenite, Thiamine Mononitrate, D-Activated Animal Sterol (Source of Vitamin D3), Menadione Dimethylpyrimidionol Bisulfite (source of Vitamin K Activity), Cobalt Carbonate, Inositol, Ethylenediamine Dihydriodide, Folic Acid, Artificial Color, Natural flavor.

Starry night

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Well when I originally bought my first Sri Lankan the breeder told me he feeds all of his tortoises with this food. I bought a container of it and the first tortoises loved it. As I acquired more Sri Lankans I then would offer mazuri and they would take a bite but then leave it alone. I then would offer the Repcal and they would attack it. I have spoken to my vet and several well known breeders and they said offer it as a supplement once or twice a week and it will be fine. All 7 of my Sri Lankans love it and if I put mazuri and Repcal together they will push the mazuri out of the way and just eat those pellets up. I have been learning more and more about their diets and trying many things to see what will work right for me. I supplement with the calcium with D3 and TNT three times a week and with the correct lights I have noticed more activity from them and growth. There will always be debates on what is correct to feed and not to feed any animals. I'm doing the best I can and reading a lot and speaking to many breeders of this species to find what will work best for me and my animals.


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Tortoises typically will go for the "junk" food as well as food they are used to and/or were raised on well before they will go for the healthier foods. Just because they go for it does not mean it is a proper diet or even treat. I am sorry but I do not agree with your vet and breeders, but everyone is entitled to their opinion. It is up to you as to what you feed and how you care for your animals and I am glad you are doing the research and then forming your own opinions. With UVB, I do not think you should supplement D3 in any form (I do not like that Mazuri has it). Best wishes and no hard feelings...just sharing my opinion.
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