Rescued Tortoise's Poo


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jun 16, 2013
Yvonne explained the crease. The plastron doesn't look great, but we have seen worse almost translucent look. The carapace shows the tortoise was started well after hatching for first couple/few weeks. Things went downhill perhaps after the tortoise changed owners. The reversely uplifted growth ring points to a sudden change from moist/healthy to a very dry environment and halt of any further growth soon after. The hatchling could be anything from month to few months old.

Given the hatchling may have been started well before things changed for the worst, I would be optimistic it may have a chance for recovery. Getting calcium into the system one way or another would be one of my priorities. Weather it be calcium injection, calcium soak, or calcium fortified food that's actually being eaten. Your vet seems to know what he is doing, discussing calcium injection option can't hurt. It may be the fastest way for things to improve. Fingers crossed for your efforts.


New Member
May 25, 2014
Thank you once again @mikeh. Your continued help and support is astounding. How do you go about doing a calcium soak? Warm bath with added liquid calcium? I'll look into the calcium injections, though I will likely not be able to get in until Tuesday and 4 days can make a huge difference. We'll have to start with the soaks in the meantime. Tonight he seemed very lethargic, I am hoping it was just because of the time. I am worried that the tort might not be able to make it until then, so yes fingers are crossed indeed.

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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There's a little bit of growth between the scutes, so he's not brand new, but I'd say he's less than 6 months.


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jun 16, 2013
I have never done a calcium soak. Number of members have. Some say it works others not since calcium has bitter taste and tortoise may not drink/hydrate. I don't think it will hurt.
Hopefully someone who has done it will chime in with details.

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