Respecting Motherhood

jeff kushner

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
North of Annapolis
I've been fortunate to have a bit more time to watch things lately and I've noticed that the Hummingbirds display some neat behaviors.

I have 4 regular little guys that feed here. 2 males and 2 females. During the early season(last 2 months) presumably while eggs are being laid and hatched the females feed in peace early and late, not during the day. They are not seen away from the feeder by other little guys. There is no "food possessive" among them.

Now however I am seeing the food-source-possession that was missing earlier this year. I'm guessing the babies have fledged and now it's a free for all! LOL



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Wow, my mom gets a lot of hummingbirds. A couple 2 maybe 3 weeks ago, she noticed that when one would come to the feeder, there was no fighting, chasing, nothing. They could actually sit and eat. One even sat a long time on a hummingbird swing she had for them. Well, like you said, that only last for a while and now they are back to their normal self. Each one trying to claim ownership of the feeders.
For some reason, she never noticed that before.

Cathie G

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Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
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I still haven't gotten a single hummingbird this year at my feeder. However I have two Rose of Sharon bushes planted in the backyard so I'm not giving up. If there's any in the neighborhood when they bloom, I'll get hummingbirds 😊🤞🤗🙏

Cathie G

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Aug 9, 2018
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I sure hope they come in for you miss Cathie, we use trumpet vines around here that work really well for drawing them in without a feeder.
It was really strange when I got the first ones in the front yard. To not have them there isn't alarming though. But if I don't see them in my backyard I'll wonder what's going on with hummingbirds in our area in general. That would be so sad because they've always been back there.🤞🙏.

Cathie G

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
Humming birds love it when my aloe vera blooms
Happy birthday 😊 usually here it's been the Rose of Sharon in the backyard they can't resist. Then surprise they started appearing in the front yard. So I put out a feeder. Last year they were checking out my new crepe mirtle tree when it bloomed too . We'll see what happens. Both are about to start blooming.