Room Humidifier?


New Member
Mar 6, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Idaho, USAa
Has anyone tried a hot room humidifier for keeping the room more humid for RF torts? I cant keep it above 50% and shes sick with a URI right now. Trying my hardest... has it worked for anyone or is this pointless? I have a Vicks humidifier for like when you are sick or something. You can put the vicks stuff in it and it is supposed to make the room smell like menthol.

ben awes

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10 Year Member!
Jul 30, 2013
tortoisemommy79zx said:
Has anyone tried a hot room humidifier for keeping the room more humid for RF torts? I cant keep it above 50% and shes sick with a URI right now. Trying my hardest... has it worked for anyone or is this pointless? I have a Vicks humidifier for like when you are sick or something. You can put the vicks stuff in it and it is supposed to make the room smell like menthol.

I've tried the hot room humidifier by accident. I thought I bought a cool mist one, but it was the hot one. I used it for an hour and decided it was not safe. It required salt or something to get the water to boil, plus these all claim they can humidify a whole room to 80% humidity - BS! I've got two cool mist humidifiers in with my yearly Aldabra inside the humid hide which is 4' x 2' x 18" tall, and TWO humidifiers going 24/7 can only get that space to 60% humidity. (i live in a very dry climate in the winter). I decided that the hot one was way to dangerous to have near the tort. I do not like the idea of heating element inside a plastic container in the same airspace as my little guy. Too much to go wrong. I am NO expert, and do not think my cool mist is the long term solution either, but its working in the short term. I think heat is the key to keeping away RNS - get the temp up.

Let us know what you decide to do, and it you keep the hot one.


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5 Year Member
Mar 20, 2014
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Metro Detroit
tortoisemommy79zx said:
Has anyone tried a hot room humidifier for keeping the room more humid for RF torts? I cant keep it above 50% and shes sick with a URI right now. Trying my hardest... has it worked for anyone or is this pointless? I have a Vicks humidifier for like when you are sick or something. You can put the vicks stuff in it and it is supposed to make the room smell like menthol.

These are half off right now. I've heard they work well. :)


New Member
Mar 6, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Idaho, USAa
ben awes said:
tortoisemommy79zx said:
Has anyone tried a hot room humidifier for keeping the room more humid for RF torts? I cant keep it above 50% and shes sick with a URI right now. Trying my hardest... has it worked for anyone or is this pointless? I have a Vicks humidifier for like when you are sick or something. You can put the vicks stuff in it and it is supposed to make the room smell like menthol.

I've tried the hot room humidifier by accident. I thought I bought a cool mist one, but it was the hot one. I used it for an hour and decided it was not safe. It required salt or something to get the water to boil, plus these all claim they can humidify a whole room to 80% humidity - BS! I've got two cool mist humidifiers in with my yearly Aldabra inside the humid hide which is 4' x 2' x 18" tall, and TWO humidifiers going 24/7 can only get that space to 60% humidity. (i live in a very dry climate in the winter). I decided that the hot one was way to dangerous to have near the tort. I do not like the idea of heating element inside a plastic container in the same airspace as my little guy. Too much to go wrong. I am NO expert, and do not think my cool mist is the long term solution either, but its working in the short term. I think heat is the key to keeping away RNS - get the temp up.

Let us know what you decide to do, and it you keep the hot one.

I don't have it in their cage. Just in the room. I think it has helped a little.

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