Should this be unlawful?

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Mar 7, 2008
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If I were you I would not categorize all children!There are children who are taught respect and manners and our 5 year old is one of them.I could go on about all the things I dont like about older people but i wont stoop to your level.If this site is going to condone biggotts like maggie and yvonne then I want no part of it...Picking up candy wrappers...please!What about all the beer cans and bottles from all the drunk idiots who choose to drink and drive.You should be more concerned about being hit by a drunk driver than a candy wrapper.Grow up!

I am with you. Also I can see Maggie's and Yvonne's points of views. I have two children, and they do not behave like some of the children which were mentioned in Maggie's post. If parents do not correct the bad behavior or patiently teach the very young children the discipline at this early ages, then they have to live with the consequences later. Maggie, you could request a quiet table, away from family with small children when you go out to dine. I did not take my children out to eat at a restaurant until I felt that they were ready for the challenge. Thanks Dan for reminding us to be nice to one another, life is too short, let live and be happy.



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Mar 31, 2009
Candy said:
Isn't this also age discrimination? Candy

Candy that could also be a cause of action, however they are excluding all adults regardless of age. Of course, the type of age discrimination that receives the most public attention is that of excluding qualified persons from employment opportunities because he or she is older in calendar age. I’m taking this ladies case pro bono, we go before the judge next Tuesday and I’m looking forward to it. :cool:


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jdub said:
Wow. That is outrageous.....i'm kind of surprised the cops didn't give the old lady a chance by asking her nicely if she saw the sign. It's understandable if the lady was causing a ruckus or being rude but in no way could an old lady harm anyone by reading a book. All i can say is wow...


Old Lady! How old are you 16? Do you really consider 47 old?


The member formerly known as captain awesome
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Aug 15, 2008
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I can't stand kids nowadays also, I cant believe that they made a law stating that you have to have a kid to enter the park? I am no lawyer or expert and I certainly do not like them but this is a good chance for the ACLU, to actually stand up for americnas for once. I helped my grandma raise my cousins since they were taken away from their mother, and to see them amongst their peers is truly eye opening they are respectful and such while most of their fellows run anround like savages. while I do not like most young people nowaday( I am only 34) I ceartainly do not endorse a ban on kids from public or banning adults form parks withoout kids, and my local dog park you can go in whether you have a dog or not, you just may not like it muuch there without a dog. Once again I am outraged at this, time to call the ACLU


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A little off subject, but was reading this thread and just couldn't pass by my thought.......If you ask someone if they really meant something that they wrote and they were honest then why do we punish them for their for honesty do you really want them to lie to you? I have children and didn't take insult to what Maggie said because I know she's talking about her life experience and if it's not the same as mine and that's O.K. I don't automatically take insult.......why do we do that. Just a thought that I had. Candy

richalisoviejo said:
Candy said:
Isn't this also age discrimination? Candy

Candy that could also be a cause of action, however they are excluding all adults regardless of age. Of course, the type of age discrimination that receives the most public attention is that of excluding qualified persons from employment opportunities because he or she is older in calendar age. I’m taking this ladies case pro bono, we go before the judge next Tuesday and I’m looking forward to it. :cool:

Good luck on the case and let us know what happens. Candy


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Mar 31, 2009
Candy said:
Good luck on the case and let us know what happens. Candy

Will do Candy :)

I have no doubt this will be tossed out quicker then it took the sheriff to write the ticket :)


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Mar 31, 2009
Well we went before the judge and she got off without paying one dime. Now this city ordinance has to go before a higher court, the higher court will have no choice but to rule this law void for vagness.


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Jan 4, 2009
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Way to go Rich. Pat yourself on the back you did it. I don't think we had any doubts on this site that you would though. :p Candy


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Mar 31, 2009
Thanks, :)

Well now it will go to an appellate court. But I have no doubt this silly law will be void.
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