Sick Sulcata

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New Member
5 Year Member
Dec 28, 2012
Hello everyone,
This is my first post, but not my first visit. The info on this forum is priceless. My sucata Tootles is 1 1/2 years old and has been diagnosed with the early stages of pnemonia (wheres the spell check?) so far she has been given 2 antibiotic shots with fluids and is due for her third this Monday. It looked at first that her nose was clearing but I noticed today that she was blowing out a very small bubble out of her nose. She eats pretty good and gets daily soaks. I told my vet Tootles living conditions and he said to warm it up alittle more, the hide is set at 80 and the basking and uvb area is at 100. Sorry this post is so long, hopefully I will have some good news this Monday.
Thanks for reading.


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10 Year Member!
Apr 10, 2011
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Apple Valley, California
Torts symptoms can absolutely be brought under control with the treatment....your vet is right with increasing the temps, when a tort is ailing it is very helpful for the enclosure to never fall be 80-85 degrees at all times (day and night) along with providing an increased temp basking spot...

Also, be sure to offer a couple long warm water soaks every day--especially during treatment and for a couple of weeks after treatment is concluded....the medication that is used is hard on a torts kidneys, so the increased soaks is so important---also, the increased temps will make additional soaking very important too....
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