SOS Marginated Tortoise MBD Advice


New Member
Dec 11, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
Columbus, OH
Our Marginated, Atty, has not been himself lately, not eating as much, not moving as much, has puffy eyes, soft shell on the bottom, looks to be opening his mouth alot, etc. We took him to the emergency vet today but they did not seem to know what they were doing, we don't trust their advice. Seeking some help please!

His shell is a little soft on the bottom, and we can't tell if its flattening on the top too? Looking back at old photos he seems to look about the same but now we're in our heads. Can anyone help us understand what we should do? The vet recommended a respiratory antibiotic as well as Calcium, Vitamin A and Vitamin C shots... For respiratory, they couldn't confirm anything without $900 + worth of tests, we don't see any bubbles or snot or anything.

We heard that the vitamin A shots can be risky, we can put more calcium and vitamin d3 powder in his meals and give him more sunlight, but is that enough??

Any guidance is much appreciated, we are so worried about him.

Images 1 and 2 are from today, image 3 was from about 8 months ago.


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Sep 6, 2011
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Chicago, Illinois, USA
What size enclosure is he in?
What are the temps? Basking temp? All over temp? Night temps?
What are you using for uvb?
What type of bulb for basking?
What are you using for night heat?


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
What size enclosure is he in?
What are the temps? Basking temp? All over temp? Night temps?
What are you using for uvb?
What type of bulb for basking?
What are you using for night heat?
Answers to these questions will definitely help with the advising! A photo of the full set up would be good too! Welcome to the forum!🐢💚

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