Stray Cats

Yvonne G

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10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
My house is about 5 miles outside of town. And when someone wants to take their unwanted cat out to "the country" and turn it loose, as I'm on one of the main thoroughfares out of town, I see a lot of unwanted cats. Last year I started naming them according to the number they showed up here. I chase a new stray away for a couple weeks, but if they persist on staying here, I catch them, have them spayed or neutered then release them back on my property. So last Autumn or so I took in Quatro. Quatro Kitty 11-23.jpg Because he's an older cat, and not neutered, and I've heard that anesthesia is hard on older cats, I've been hesitant to take him in to be neutered. I really should though because he fights with my existing cats.

So a couple weeks ago (bear in mind that Quatro has been here since November), this new little kitty showed up. I haven't yet determined if Eins Kitty is male or female, as its very people shy and runs to hide whenever I go outside. BUT, and here's the kicker, this kitty is a baby, probably about three or four months old, and it is VERY loveable with Quatro, the same cat the beats up all my cats! Eins rubs around Quatro's face, eats out of his bowl, follows him around, etc. and Quatro puts up with it. It'll be a couple more weeks before I can catch eins to take it in to be neutered/spayed. Here's a sneaky picture: Quatro and Eins a.jpgQuatro and Eins b.jpgQuatro and Eins c.jpgI can't figure out why Quatro allows this baby to be near him. It's not old enough yet to come in heat, so I don't think that's a factor.

The old, vacant house that's the backdrop for these pictures, is up on piers, and for now, Eins lives under that house. I'll be glad when I can catch it.


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Jun 30, 2018
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Hey do you catch those cats? I use a safe trap to 'relocate' them...that baby looks about the same size as the white kitten, 4 months now.


10 Year Member!
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Jul 16, 2014
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My "stray" cats aren't actually strays. They're just cats owned by lazy people who don't want to deal with a litterbox...or a vet.
I know exactly who owns all but one of them. And I'm angry with them. Not the cats.
At what size or age does a feral cat become unable to trust humans?
Kittens seem fearless.

Yvonne G

Old Timer
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10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
Location (City and/or State)
Clovis, CA
Maybe he knows it's a baby? Or it is a female and no threat to him like another male would be.
So glad you help these babies out. I hate people that think animals are throw aways. I'd like to see them never see the light of day again.
I've never had an 'entire' male cat, but I've heard they kill babies, and the way he beats up my cats I believe it.

Yvonne G

Old Timer
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10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
Location (City and/or State)
Clovis, CA
Hey do you catch those cats? I use a safe trap to 'relocate' them...that baby looks about the same size as the white kitten, 4 months now.
Once they trust me, after a couple weeks of feeding them, I just pick them up and put them in the carrier. I can't trap them because I trap my own cats instead.

Yvonne G

Old Timer
TFO Admin
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
Location (City and/or State)
Clovis, CA
My "stray" cats aren't actually strays. They're just cats owned by lazy people who don't want to deal with a litterbox...or a vet.
I know exactly who owns all but one of them. And I'm angry with them. Not the cats.
At what size or age does a feral cat become unable to trust humans?
Kittens seem fearless.
It's been my experience that the majority of strays that turn up here are afraid of me.


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Jun 30, 2018
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FYI...when Yvonne broke her bones and I went down to help her. I mostly fed animals, 4 hours to feed her tortoises, maybe me messing with them while feeding didn't help, especially the Texas tort...a juvenile I thought, I held him and played with him and got distracted and played in the middle of the feed, doing it now in this I hadda feed her cats, and they were already sitting attentively waiting. Most were aware, giving me the evil eye, but stayed sitting, I think some were just visiting to eat...There was an orange cat that came from her neighbor...I wanted to catch him and bring him home with me, he would come to eat...My sister is pretty hard hearted, but I never saw her refuse to help an animal, no matter what species. She's never refused to help me either...this is Grayson...look at his eyes not yellow, almost brown DSCN2019.JPG


Well-Known Member
Tortoise Club
Apr 19, 2022
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Los Angeles
@Yvonne G this is from a rescue group I follow that works with stray cat colonies. You might find this video interesting. Personally, I recommend turning the music off as I hate the music they put on with these videos but if you can ignore that it’s pretty sweet to watch…


Yvonne G

Old Timer
TFO Admin
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
Location (City and/or State)
Clovis, CA
@Yvonne G this is from a rescue group I follow that works with stray cat colonies. You might find this video interesting. Personally, I recommend turning the music off as I hate the music they put on with these videos but if you can ignore that it’s pretty sweet to watch…

Thank you for that.


Unknown Member
10 Year Member!
Feb 5, 2011
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@Yvonne G this is from a rescue group I follow that works with stray cat colonies. You might find this video interesting. Personally, I recommend turning the music off as I hate the music they put on with these videos but if you can ignore that it’s pretty sweet to watch…

At least its not 'Angel'


Well-Known Member
Tortoise Club
Apr 19, 2022
Location (City and/or State)
Los Angeles
Thank you for that.
its an interesting group and they learn a lot about cat dynamics. Mason ("grandpa mason") was great with many many litters of kittens and also helped teach them Kitty Manners. He lived for around 3 years after they took him inside. They watched him closely at first to make sure he didn't pose a danger and ended up being pretty involved with the litters once they were of an age to explore.

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