sulcata feeding times? monitoring intake...

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Mar 13, 2008
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Another question just popped into my head...

Are there any times of the day that are better for feeding times then others?

I have read that Sulcata's are more active feeders in the mornings.. is this the ideal time to give them their days rations of fresh greens etc?.. and then let him graze on the timothy hay etc for the remainder of the day?...

should i split up his food into two feedings?

and, whats the best way to monitor how much he's eating.. I have a flat feeding dish in his enclosure, I placed 1/4 cup of greenery in there yesterday and after a couple hours I checked in on him and all was gone except a few scattered leaves and a small sprig of fresh dill.

Apparently fresh Dill is one of his fav's according to the breeder i got him i stocked up on it hehe.

he's just a month or so shy of a year old.. so I'm going to feed him anywhere from a 1/4 cup of fresh greens to a 1/2 cup a day... suitable amount?

He still chomps on the hay in his enclosure and seems to enjoy it as well.

Hasnt touched his cuttlebone though so im hoping he's at a happy calcium level right now.


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Sounds good to me. I feed Squirt in the morning. By the time I get home from work she is usually sleeping. and most if not all her food is gone. I give her about a half a cup a day.


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I didn't know they could have Dill.

I wait until the early afternoon to feed mine. If I feed her in the morning she doesn't eat much. If I wait a little while I have found out (just recently) she will eat almost all of it.
I think whatever works for you and your tort is just fine.
I also put a cuttlebone in my tort's enclosure and she hasn't touched it yet.


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Well, my guy seems to spend 80% of his day sleeping
waking up for 20 - 30 min in spurts.. during his awake time he nibbles on his timothy hay (which doubles as his bed it seems ), then basks and naps some more.. then drinks and then sleeps some more.. then climbs around aimlessly till he finds himself at his food dish and muches on the fresh greens.. and falls asleep in the middle of it all... then repeats himself again...
But I am adding about a 1/4 cup of fresh greens a day.. and by the time nighttime comes.. theres still 1/2 of it left...
I'm hoping its because he's eating enough of his hay...

he's still a month or so shy of a year old.. so perhapse thats enough food for him. As long as he keeps readily seeking out his food on his own , and occasionally munching hay I dont think i'll get too concerned..

Seems like by 8 or 9 in the evening he's crashed out and doesnt get mobile again till 9 or 10 the next morning..

I am keeping his UVB lights on for 12 hours on 12 hours off schedule.

As for Dill, I dont know about the nutritional value of dill, but the breeder I purchased my little guy from was feeding him dill along with a spring mix of red leaf lettuce and dandilions etc..

So Ive just kept up with more of the same.

I am hoping to get some fresher hay grasses soon though, cuz i feel bad seeing him eating this dry timothy hay.. I considered soaking some of it to freshen it up a bit for him but he seems to enjoy a chomp or two here and there between naps.


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You can also try Orchard, it is a softer hay. Your tort sounds like he is on the same schedule as mine sleep, sleep, sleep..Mine get up and move around 9 or so and head straight for the water, then s/he goes right back to the light and warms up. I feed around noon and that is the time I see him move the fastest. I feed about a 1/2 cup maybe a little more.
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