Torpedo Grass


New Member
5 Year Member
Mar 8, 2016
Location (City and/or State)
New Orleans, Louisiana
I live in New Orleans and torpedo grass runs rampant in lawns with St. Aug, Bermuda ,etc. Is torpedo grass safe for leopards to eat and do they like this type of grass?....thanks


New Member
5 Year Member
Mar 8, 2016
Location (City and/or State)
New Orleans, Louisiana
I believe I found my answer... i found this on is a grass native to Africa...........

torpedograss (Panicum repens) is among the top grasses I get questions on. Even if introduced into a small area, this weed can rapidly spread to become a major problem.

The name comes from the hard, sharp point on the rhizome that runs horizontally underground, like a torpedo going through the water. The rhizomes can travel a foot or more deep, and the hard points are able to punch through landscape fabric and weed barriers.

Native to Africa and/or Asia, it was introduced to the United States before 1876, primarily through seed used for forage crops. But what really did it was when the U. S. Department of Agriculture imported and distributed torpedograss seed in the early 1900s for planting in pasturelands. This was to provide forage for cattle. Ironically, it proved inferior for use as a forage crop.

Now it is found in the Gulf South from Florida to Texas and along tropical and subtropical coasts around the world