Tort tables


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jun 30, 2018
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Here are 2 of my tort tables in a room in my house. My tortoises lived in one or 4 others, but now they hold box turtles and plants. I am just showing these as an alternative to other stuff that has been suggested. They were made 15 yrs ago or so, before we knew about humid hides. I am NOT saying the other enclosures are bad or anything. Just showing how I keep mine, and show alternatives.
This one is 5.5 x 3 ft. It has 2 lids that close holds box turtles now, it's lined with a shower curtain liner and has never leaked. The soil (find grade orchid bark)stays damper for the box turtles and was great for growing tortoises. There's a UVB bulb and a Che. Paint roller pan for soaking. In the spring and summer all the box turtles are in an outside pen and brought in at night.
That's Plexiglas for snooping...
This one also holds box turtles but was made for Gopherus agassizii. It has a builtin hide with a hole up top for heat or light. But the box turtles prefer to sleep in that hide without heat. Go figure
It keeps a moist soil but not much humidity. I cover the top at night
Here the one in the tort shed. no top at all. Holds my cactus in the winter, and any adult but not big tortoise dropped at my door. It has ambient heat in the tort shed, with a UVB light. Not good for young or hatchling tortoise who need humidity and moisture...
I am just showing these as a cheaper alternative. Due to what we've learned over the years, my tort tables are old fashioned like me. But they can be fitted for humid hides and baby tortoises without much effort.

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