Tortoise Rituals!

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10 Year Member!
Oct 25, 2010
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Winter Springs, Florida A quaint little town near
Hi everyone I was wondering if you guys could tell me your rituals you do with your tortoise or routines you do with your tortoise for example every Wednesday at 8pm me and Chevy sit in the living room with his favorite lettuce and watch America's Next Top Model ( If Chevy truly is a boy and I continue this routine I am sure he will turn gay :D ) So basically what is a special thing you do with your tortoise or tortoise's?


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5 Year Member
Jun 19, 2010
Ha ha ha! I wouldn't worry too much unless Chevy starts watching Project Runway and sewing himself little outfits. Seriously though we don't have too many rituals yet, unless you count the way Octavia and Mr.T have us trained to run back and forth bringing them food all the time!

Terry Allan Hall

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Marty333 said:
Hi everyone I was wondering if you guys could tell me your rituals you do with your tortoise or routines you do with your tortoise for example every Wednesday at 8pm me and Chevy sit in the living room with his favorite lettuce and watch America's Next Top Model ( If Chevy truly is a boy and I continue this routine I am sure he will turn gay :D ) So basically what is a special thing you do with your tortoise or tortoise's?
Marty333 said:
Project Runway is the other show we watch together uh oh......... :p

Might consider making a point to watch Arnold Swartzenegger movies together at least once a week...just to be safe... :p

Rituals at Rancho Testudo, huh? Well, Monday, Wednesday and Saturday afternoons they have their soak baths, and, on occasion, Nat Geo Wild runs a good tortoise program...we're not much into TV, in general. as quality programming for Tortoise-Americans is kinda sparce... ;)


5 Year Member
Jul 23, 2010
Are you a guy Marty?! Hehe.....I take care of my tort right before I go to bed so some time after 9pm for a couple of hours. It amazes me how much time it takes for him to eat and there is a lot of "babying" going on with my 3" rf. I can't imagine ppl taking care of multiple species and hatchlings, but I am sure there are many of you out there.


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Jul 27, 2010
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Bert is not an early riser. He sleeps in till around 9am. then its breakfast. assorted greens and veggies, but every 2 or 3 days its fruit. He loves his fruit mornings. A couple times a week he gets his bath. he likes those. On good days we go out side for about 30 minutes to an hour . He likes to scrape up dried worms from the concrete unless he can find a fresh one. then after an exciting day its off to his corner for the night.
I dont let him watch T.V. . There is just too much violence now a days.


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Oct 19, 2010
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I work during the day...So my torts know that feeding is at night. Chewey whom i have had the longest. Will start making noises in his enclosure and nugging it so it bangs against the wall to get my attention. My torts have a radio going in there room for noise all day long. But they know when its feeding. Chewy will pace his endlosure untill i give him the first piece of Greens


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10 Year Member!
Oct 25, 2010
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Winter Springs, Florida A quaint little town near
HarleyK said:
Are you a guy Marty?! Hehe.....I take care of my tort right before I go to bed so some time after 9pm for a couple of hours. It amazes me how much time it takes for him to eat and there is a lot of "babying" going on with my 3" rf. I can't imagine ppl taking care of multiple species and hatchlings, but I am sure there are many of you out there.

Definitely not a guy lol as all yall can now tell hahahaha! Chevy likes to sleep in until like 10 I have to even wake him up to eat because he just loves his beauty sleep!! And my little baby likes to eat a whole leaf which is like 2 inches long then sleeps for like 5-10 minutes and then asks for more food hahaha!!! I agree there are definitely a lot of violence on T.V. now a days for our little babies :)
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