Tortoises Christmas Presents


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Feb 17, 2016
Location (City and/or State)
Newport Coast, CA
Is chia (Salvia hispanica) safe for tortoises?

I thought about getting a Chia Pet for my tortoises enclosure as his Christmas present, but wanted to make sure it was safe first.

When I put the scientific name into the Tortoise Table it says it's safe, but the picture looks like a flower.

Chia is safe and actually included in at least one of the popular tortoise seed blends.

When it gets fully grown is when it flowers.

I’d be more concerned with that little clay thing the seeds grow on. Can you be sure it’s not treated with anything? If not, I wouldn’t give it to them.


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
Tucson, AZ
For Christmas?
The first of 7 tortoise tables is almost done! The inside is coated with Flex Seal to protect and waterproof the wood. Then I have an adhesive with "peel & stick" tile to line the interior walls for added protection against moisture and to provide some decent interior design. Outside is painted flat black (keeping it simple).

When I'm all done, I'll give the tables a few days to settle and air out before I start moving all my baby Greeks into them.20181222_194131.jpeg