trouble with not eating

Sunitha Raghav

New Member
Sep 27, 2016
I have five Tortoise But in which two are not having food from past one week. I am more worried took to vet but nothing much helped. Please help me. I have other pets like Fish Dogs and Birds. Fifteen days back my Female dog passed away after this i am facing the problem. Is this any ways connected as Depression. I need my babies to be healthy and active.

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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Hi, and welcome to the Forum!

We're going to need some information in order to help you.

What kind of tortoises?

Are they all kept together in the same habitat?

What do you use for heat and light?

What are you trying to feed them?

How about water?

Can you please take a picture of the habitat where the two that aren't eating live so we can see if we can offer you some help?

Gillian M

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Aug 28, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
I have five Tortoise But in which two are not having food from past one week. I am more worried took to vet but nothing much helped. Please help me. I have other pets like Fish Dogs and Birds. Fifteen days back my Female dog passed away after this i am facing the problem. Is this any ways connected as Depression. I need my babies to be healthy and active.

A very warm welcome to the forum. :)

Sorry to hear about your dog's death, and please accept my sincere condolences. :(

If it is not warm enough, a tort may not eat. It is well-known that torts lose appetite in Winter, AND if you've recently got the tort, then it needs time to adapt to its new environment.

Please pot pics of your tort and his enclosure.;)