Turtle moved in our yard


New Member
Aug 5, 2021
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My friend lives in a subdivision pretty close to a lake. Loads of turtles in the lake and swim in there constantly. Well one of them wondered into her fenced-in back yard. We didn’t bother him much, would walk over and look, admire for a minute, then let him be. Started calling him Fred. We tried to give it some watermelon and tomatoes from the garden, but i guess it preferred the bugs bc he never touched any of it. It hung around for a little over a month, we noticed him late may early june. We thought he decided to move in, that it was his yard now. Well one day, we decided to give it a warm soak. It was extremely hot outside that week and we didn’t know if he could find water in the yard. He acted fine - all stretched out and just chilling. Then the next day he left.
Well every time i think about it get a little sad. I cant help but wonder if we scared him so bad he left? Did the warm soak make him miss the lake so he went home? Idk, it’s been a couple weeks since he left. Was just wondering if anyone would know why he ran away after that.
We didn’t want to keep him as a pet or anything, we knew he made his way in so he could make his way back out if he wanted. he was just hanging out for so long, I kinda enjoyed his company. Checked on him every day to see if it was still there, watched him run around in the yard; would make his way into garden, then back under the trees, just roaming around being cute and nosey ☺ kinda wish i wouldn’t have gave him the soak, we didn’t mean to scare or hurt him. IMG_7117.jpegIMG_7108.jpeg

Yvonne G

Old Timer
TFO Admin
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
That's a water turtle and they mostly live in the water. If Fred is male he was out looking for a mate. If he's female he was out looking for a place to lay eggs.

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